Friday, August 2, 2024


Aiden and Caileigh are both taking a year off school and working full time.  Aiden works in the Meat department at Fresh Co and Caileigh is a cashier.
Mikayla has started in Gr 10 at the Christian school for her second year.  This has been an incredibly positive experience for her and she's thriving.  Mikayla has also started a part time job at The Iconic Gift Shop and is working on weekends.
The boys have started Gr 8 and are involved in online classes, Violin, Piano, youth group and Basketball.
This is my second year EAing for HCOS.  I have 5 students and will be working about 20 hours a week.  I am also enrolled in Okanagan College to complete the EA program.  I was able to receive Recognition of Prior Learning and as a result I only need to complete 1/2 the course.  I am incredibly nervous about heading back to school after so much time but also excited to be challenging myself in this way.


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