Thursday, December 30, 2010

6 months

You always have a quick smile and a ready giggle.
You are strong and are nearly sitting up on your own.
You are starting to figure out how to enjoy solids and have tried bananas, squash, yams and cereal.
You start your day around 7 and go down for the night around 6-6:30.
You adore being held.
You love being worn in the Ergo on my back.
You have expressive eyes.
You love being in the exersaucer.
You enjoy the jolly jumper tremendously.
You are still not too sure about solids and would rather nurse 6 times a night.
You are becoming quick at rolling.
You like to fight sleep and wake up early.

You both.......
Love to be free to roll around and explore the new things in your environment. The Christmas tree has been fun for you to try and pull down.
You both put everything to your mouth and chew. Your favorites are the "nipple ball" and your new Sophie giraffes. This fascination for "chewing" is proving to be detrimental to our nursing relationship.
You both love to chat with each other and chew on one anothers hands although someone always ends up getting hurt by pinching fingers or punching fists.
You both love people and adore your siblings. You adore the things they do to make you laugh and even seem to like the rough play.

You are both amazing in your ability to brighten even the darkest day.
We love you Alexander David and Jordan Shea.
Happy 6 months!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A perfect day....

To celebrate Mikayla's special day, we took a ride on a horse drawn sleigh!!!

(Too bad you can't see Mikayla in this photo)
And cake of course!!


From here.....

To here, in 2 short years.
You are the sweetest, most energetic, comical bundle of sunshine. Each day you put smiles on the faces of those around you. You impress me with your cheerful attitude and surprise me with your incredibly independent nature.
You delight us with your singing, hugs, and funny expressions. Just tonight you were seated between your two baby brothers and you announced, "The boys like me!"
You love playing outside, baths, reading and creating mischief. You love to find ways to antagonize your older siblings and think it is great fun to turn off the TV and run away giggling.
You exhaust me, yet I suppose this keeps me in shape. You love to eat and will try most things. You still need your 2 upper eye teeth and your 4 2 year molars. You sleep in a big girl bed and will be actively working towards full time underwear in the new year.
You are the most amazing 2 year old that I have the pleasure of currently raising. We love you more everyday and hope this coming year is full of many more fun filled days.
Happy Birthday Mikayla Elianne.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a nice quiet Christmas......well, as quiet as 5 kids can be. Christmas Eve church service, cinnamon buns and gifts in the morning and a turkey dinner in the evening. A wonderful, memorable Christmas.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

We miss you so much and wish we could be there for you.
You are always requesting videos so here are a few in honor of your special day. I love you!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jordan & Alex

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

hmmmm, what's this?


Baseball and bananas

{Jordan in blue} {Alex in white}


Sunday, December 19, 2010

This morning Aiden told Sean and I that he had a present for us. He proceeded to unwrap two pieces of paper. One said, "I love Mom" and the other, "I love Dad". He told us that love was the greatest gift he could think of getting us for Christmas.

Melt my mother heart!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

They're rolling, rolling, rolling....


Both boys are rolling although Jordan is a little quicker and more proficient at this time. Alex tends to get himself stuck under furniture. The other night I left Jordan in the living room while I quickly went to check on dinner. I came back to find him under the Christmas tree! I think we are entering a new realm of fun.

Friday, December 17, 2010

It is too dangerous to walk around our neighborhood because the roads are slippery and the shoulders too narrow. I have been wishing there was a way for the kids and I to get out. Today we discovered Sepa Lake. It is located less than a km from our house and it is about 3 kmaround. What a great find!! It is wheelchair accessible so although the path is snow packed with a little effort I could get the stroller around. The big three walked the entire way and the little ones were warm and cozy in their stroller. The temperature was around -7 but it didn't feel too bad except for a nip on the nose. On the drive home I began to plan how the kids and I would get out a few times a week and I hear Aiden pipe up, "Whew, I'm sure never doing that again. That was tiring!!" Hopefully after a good nights sleep he'll reconsider.