Saturday, February 9, 2019

Mik enjoys her afternoon projects class.  Here she is with Peyton.

A visit from Kelly and the girls.

Aiden is taking snare drum lessons through the pipe band.  He's really enjoying learning this new instrument.

Creating during their afternoon project class.

Ice cream floats at Grandmas.

Fun with friends.

New Hair Cut

Who knew unicorns played the piano?

The ELC group.  Emily, Lizzie and Caileigh.


Mik and Peyton made cookies and put half a huge bag of chocolate chips in them!

Ready for our first Robbie Burns dinner.

Free enough of snow to bike ride.

Alex was so proud of the little sock monkey he sewed.

Watching the Winter Carnival Parade.  It was such a cold morning!

Gigi Turns 101

On February 6, Gigi turned 101!  We celebrated with cake and goodies.  Next weekend my cousins and aunt and uncle are all coming to Vernon and we'll have a big family celebration.  I'm looking forward to it!


For January and February the kids are skiing every Friday.  Sean and I are joining for February.  This is such a highlight of everyones week.  The kids have made such progress and fly down all the blue and green runs.  It's Aiden's goal to get one of the kids trained enough to go down the double blacks with him:)

Poor Mik had an incident when her skis crossed and she broke the ski pole over her head. She had a mild concussion and an abrasion where the ski pole scratched her head.   She got to visit the first aid center and has healed up nicely.