Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy 21 Months!

Sean and I were talking the other day about Alex and Jordan. We were both saying that we find it hard to describe the boys differences. There are so many things about Alex and Jordan that are indeed similar. They are the same age, so regardless of the fact that they are identical twins, there are bound to be similarities. The boys are also brothers and we have found many similarities between all our kids at the same ages. One boy is not cuter than the other, one is not smarter than the other, etc. They are both active, busy 21 month olds. Both Alex and Jordan love to run, climb and explore. They love playing outside, having baths and eating snacks. Each day they are mimicking more words and they are constantly doing things to make us all laugh.

When it comes to differences, there are some physical ones. Jordan is heavier and slightly taller than Alex. Jordan seems to have a stronger "strut" and Alex can run extremely fast. Jordan has a mark on his leg, and Alex has more far. There are some differences that change on a weekly basis. One week Alex is more clingy and the next week it is Jordan. Sometimes Jordan acts shy, and other times it is Alex. Recently Jordan went through a biting stage that seemed more predominant than Alex's behavior. Now it is Alex's hitting that has become the stronger force.

The other kids and people who spend time with us always seem to know who is who. There are differences that show in the boys behavior and interactions but they are subtle and hard to describe. I think I also try to stay away from making generalizations when they are changing so much. I don't want to label one "the shy one" etc. It can be said, however, that even those in our family sometimes have difficulties telling them apart by pictures.

It will be interesting to see how these similarities and differences change as the boys grow up. I imagine their own personal decisions will effect how similar and different they decide to present themselves. I have often thought about giving them different hair cuts when they are older, but so far, this opportunity arisen. Maybe when they finally grow some more hair!!

Similarities and differences aside, these are two of the most precious boys. We are thankful for them every day and it has been an amazing journey watching Alex and Jordan grow.
Happy 21 months Alex and Jordan!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This has quickly become our favorite afternoon activity. The kids won't let me miss a day, not that I would want to. The fresh air, sunshine and melting snow are all amazing refreshers.

A little of this.........

A little of this...........

And then finally, this.

Aiden and Caileigh just spent a couple of days participating in a Lego Robotics camp in Williams Lake. It was such a great experience and they both really enjoyed it. It was amazing to watch the kids create programs on the computer that would enable their Lego creations to move and make sounds. We've been told the course will be offered more regularly and we can't wait to go back!

{Excuse the quality of photos. I had our mini camera with me. I also wish I had more pictures but it was difficult with the little three running around wild!}

While the big kids were busy at Lego camp, I kept the little 3 busy with some time at the fantastic toddler park.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Somedays being a Mom is harder than other days. It seems there are no breaks! Today was one of those days that I would take one step forward and then trip back at least three steps. It was 10:30 and I still hadn't had a moment to get dressed or start in on the 5 loads of laundry laying on my bed. Every time I checked a chore off my checklist, three more would present themselves. Kids were cranky, whiney and tired. I was feeling cranky too! I looked outside and noticed that the sunny day was passing us by. So, I did what anyone would do with a pile of undone chores.........we went to the park!

This was our first visit in over 6 months! The temperature was only a couple of degrees above zero but the sun was shining and there was warmth in its rays. We managed to come home covered in mud but we all felt more refreshed and able to conquer the rest of the day.

We still have a way to go before the snow melts at our house, but I can feel the start of spring and it feels good!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When I was a little girl, my Dad always brought me marzipan from The Bon Ton in Vancouver. It's been fun for me to see this tradition passed on to my kids.

{Fun little Easter critters}

{Bupee's eye}

{Alex's eye}

{Jordan enjoying a book}

{Mikayla busy making cookies for our 1st day of spring party. We'll pretend it wasn't snowing this morning. Sean was working the late shift today so he was able to join us as well.}

{Table all set}

{Caileigh before the party busy preparing her homemade pinata. She really wanted to have one for the party but I told her there wasn't time to get one. She got creative and made one out of paper and staples.}

{It really worked!}

{Aiden took the winning shot}

{Bupee and Aiden with his new lego creation}

{The girls working on a tie dye kit that Bupee brought them. I"m still shocked that I let my 3 year old tie dye, but she did great!}

{Caileigh's finished product. A perfect nightie}

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I know that when I look back on my life a few years from now, there is so much I will have forgotten. Even now, when I think back to my kids being born, it seems like it was an eternity ago. My memories of the sleeplessness are already fading. The following post is dedicated to myself in 10 years. I have documented my day in detail so that I can have a glimpse of a day of my life..........

*6:15 Sean kisses me goodbye as he heads out the door to work.

*Shortly after I hear Mikayla calling me, "Mommy!" over, and over, and over...... Mikayla is always the first one awake and she likes to let everyone know.

*Mikayla wants to get dressed and we read a book together. I start making breakfast while Mikayla colors. Oatmeal is on the menu.

*I run upstairs to get dressed and while I do so, Mikayla decides to unravel a roll of toilet paper.

*Alex and Jordan wake up and I bring them downstairs and change them.

*I am putting breakfast on the table when Aiden and Caileigh saunter into the kitchen. They look tired as they were up until nearly 10 playing around in their rooms the night before.

*We sit down to eat breakfast and do our devotional. It's hard to hear myself talk over Jordan's screams. Not sure what his issue is? He settles down and eats his breakfast. We talk about what we want to do today and everyone decides that we want a "home day". This just means that we have no plans to go anywhere and the flow of the day will be relaxed.

*I start cleaning up the breakfast dishes while Aiden and Caileigh start on their morning school. Grammar, spelling, printing and illustrating a picture are their morning tasks today.

*The older kids finish up their school and begin practicing their piano while I get the little boys dressed and try to keep them entertained in the play room.

{Alex's tongue always seems to be hanging out these days}

{Jordan had major issues with taking off his pajama bottoms so I pick my battle and I decide to let him keep them on. They do look awfully cozy!}

*I set up a craft for the girls to paint St. Patrick's Day clover to decorate the windows with.

*The kids practice a play that they are hoping to perform for Sean tomorrow night. It is really funny and I try not to let them see me laughing so hard.

*I complete some morning chores, cleaning windows, vacuuming, checking laundry and start making morning snack. The kids are all busy at different activities......reading, cars, following me around etc.

*After snack we head outside for an hour play. The sun is shining but the wind is fairly cold. The snow has been melting but it has created patches of ice everywhere. It is difficult to walk around without slipping. The little boys find this extremely frustrating.

{We have glimpses of grass!}

{Caileigh helping out Alex when he fell in the snow}

*We come inside and the older kids decide that they want to make their own lunches and take them back outside for a picnic. They make jam sandwiches, strawberries and cookies. They all head outside but within minutes Caileigh and Mikayla return. They decide to picnic on the living room floor and they leave Aiden outside. I skype with my Mom while the boys and I eat our lunch.

*I put the little boys down for their nap. Aiden and Caileigh are reading. Mikayla is showing signs of being really tired and really cranky!

{Tired kids means...... nap time!}

*Mikayla and I spend some time doing a puzzle, reading a book and then I put her in her room for some quiet time. I think she will probably fall asleep.

*Aiden, Caileigh and I start in on math. They take turns while the other one works on an online reading program.

*I make myself a cup of tea. I gave up coffee almost 2 months ago so this will be my one and only caffeinated pleasure of the day.

*The kids and I spend some time working on their author/book study. They finish putting together a notebook that they have been working on for Beatrix Potter's, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit."

*Aiden heads outside to play so Caileigh and I read together and get dinner prepped. Chicken, rice, carrots and corn are on the menu tonight.

*The littles are wake up from their naps and we snuggle on the couch. I make a snack of apples and crackers.

*We spend the next couple of hours playing on the deck and in the playroom. It is windy and cool but the sun is shining and we feel invigorated and hopeful that spring is on it's way!

*I notice that for the second time today someone has gotten into a roll of toilet paper. I call everyone together to announce, "Quick Tidy!" The kids and I run around the house getting everything put away, rooms cleaned, toys put away etc.

*The big kids get to watch some TV while I put dinner on. I try to keep the little boys away from the oven because of their fascination to open the oven door. I give them a bath to keep them entertained.

*We sit down to eat dinner. I let the kids have ice cream cones for a treat.

*I get the little ones ready for bed, tuck them in with a story, while the older kids have a bath and get their pajamas on.

* I am just getting ready to tuck in the big kids when Sean arrives home. Sean reads to Mikayla while I read to the older two. Everyone is tucked into bed.

*I tidy up, put on some laundry, lay school out for tomorrow morning, blog, check emails, have a bath.

*I go sit on the couch with my husband and we watch TV until we are tired enough to sleep. Well, for the exception of some reluctant sleepers, a couple of baby wake ups and a sleep walker.

That commences my typical day, until tomorrow when I get to wake up and start all over..........