Monday, July 16, 2018

5km Run

Caileigh participated in her first 5km run!
A couple of months ago we made the decision to enter a local race.  We knew it would be a challenge because of it being in July, starting later in the morning and being through the dusty trails of Kalamalka park.  What we hadn't anticipated is Caileigh only getting out for 2 training runs.  Between Sean's work schedule and Caileigh's surgery it didn't allow for much time.  She was determined to persevere though.

(Arriving at the beautiful starting point!)

(Seconds before racing)

 The entire first 2.5 km were climbing up the side of the mountain with constant elevation.  Caileigh took off from the starting line ahead of me and started running quickly up the hills, passing everyone. I couldn't get past the crowds to tell her to slow down.  I caught up after about a km in and she felt like she was going to vomit and die.  She was hating every minute.  She walked off and on for the next km. and I tried to encourage her.  After praying for strength for her, her whole attitude changed and she suddenly started running again.  She ran the entire rest of the race!  I think she was picturing the refreshing lake waiting for her at the end.  
I was so proud of Caileigh for persevering and completing her first race.  It was so exciting for me to do something that I love with someone I love.
  Her two goals were to complete the race, and not come in last.  She met both goals:)
There is talk of us doing it again next year so I'm looking forward to hopefully making a tradition.  Mikayla would like to join us too.

Wildlife Park

We met up with friends that we haven't seen in two years at the Wildlife park in Kamloops.  It was a fun day spent exploring and playing in the water park.  (Aiden stayed with Grandma)

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Soccer Camp

 The kids just spent the last week at Soccer Camp through our church.  They really enjoyed it.  Mikayla said she absolutely loved soccer camp!!........But, she found the soccer part boring:)
While the kids were playing soccer, CAileigh and I volunteered our time.  I worked in the kitchen and Caileigh split her time between the kitchen and helping with the kids.  She is so good at working with kids!
I've found it a little challenging to connect with people in a big church.  The brief amount of time on Sunday isn't enough time to really get to know people.  I really enjoyed working alongside the other women and getting a chance to know them.  I've committed to helping in Kids Club in the fall so that should be another way to meet more people within the church.

Alex won Most Enthusiastic award.

Mikayla won Most Improved.

Canada Day

Canada Day we had friends visit from 100 Mile.  We went to church together in the morning and then spent the day hanging out at the house.  It was surprisingly cold for July 1!  That didn't stop Caileigh and Leah from swimming in the pool all day.  

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Alex and Jordan's 8th Birthday Party

On June 30 the boys had 5 friends join us for a birthday party.  What a sweet group of boys!  When they arrived, Mikayla had them work on a couple of crafts of decorating their own beach buckets and making pool noodle boats.

(Waiting for friends to arrive)

(Alex's best friend Finn)

After crafts, Caileigh kept the boys busy playing games.  She did a great job leading them.

(Gigi loved watching the action)

Lunch time of hot dogs, chips and veggies.

(Mik performed dog tricks )

It was not a hot day.  It was actually very windy and cool but it did not stop the boys from going in the pool!

Present time

Jello aquariums for dessert

(Putting together a gift of Lego)

Treasure Hunt to find their goody bags at the end.  They followed the clues to the prize.