Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sharing a bedroom is going well. From the time we tuck the kids in, to them actually falling asleep takes about 1 1/2 hours, but I think this is also just their ages and the time of year. Because the kids are going to bed later and still getting up early, they have been quite tired lately. Both kids get an hour quiet time but they don't nap.
Today Caileigh was having a meltdown. I sent her to her room and told her that she could come downstairs when she was composed. I went downstairs to prepare dinner and was surprised when I realized that 10min had gone by and she was still crying. This is what we found........

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy 8 Months

Here's looking at you...
18 lbs 3 oz
Bedtime: 6:30/7pm Wakeup:6am Wakings:3-4
Sitting, creeping, rocking on hands and knees, standing holding on.
Saying: da da, blah blah, ma ma
Waving, Giving high 5's, hugs.
Eating fruits, veggies, cereal, finger foods.
Loves baths, swimming, dancing and blankie.
First tooth still coming in.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Lot's of fresh air makes for one.....



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tonight the kids are happily sleeping in their new matching beds. Aiden has been asking for a bunk bed since he saw Max and Marty's last spring. Because of our attic roof, we are not able to assemble the bunks together but it will be something for the kids to look forward to when we one day move.

Caileigh has been obsessed with letters lately. Reciting letters and their sounds, printing letters etc. If you look above her bed you will see a name plaque. Last night as Caileigh was getting tucked in for bed she kept jumping up to read the letters of her name. "C, A, one, L, E, one, G, H.

Thanks for baby sitting tonight Mom! Our dinner out was fantastic.

* Sean and I are downstairs watching TV and we just heard a crash. Caileigh had fallen out of bed and was sound asleep in a fully seated position. I almost grabbed my camera but refrained and tucked her back into bed. I think we'll get her railing put up tomorrow.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

6 years

We live in the original area of Powell River called Historic Townsite. Homes, like ours, date back over 90 years. Today was Townsite Days. We went to the park to see what activities there were.

The kids were able to fish for books. Caileigh immediately sat down to inspect hers.

Wakeful Mikayla
Sleeping Mikayla

We discovered that there was a bicycle Rodeo. My Dad graciously offered to take Aiden home to get his bike. Aiden had to ride his bike through various obstacles.
Here he is showing off his new stainless steel water bottle he earned!
We then walked down to the Patricia Theater. This is the oldest running theater in BC. When I was growing up, there was an organist who would play before the movie would start. There is so much character and history that doesn't show up in the picture I took but you can probably notice that the seats are originals.......not very comfortable. On the sides of the chairs are little holes and when I was a kid my Dad told me that if you talked during a movie, little people would come out and bite your ears. I was terrified to make a peep! Anyway, I digress......we went to the theater to watch a puppet show. The kids found it quite entertaining even though Mikayla was trying to see how much her voice could echo off the ceiling.

Today also marks our 6th Wedding Anniversary. True to tradition, we ordered pizza and will watch a movie. Tuesday, when Sean is off work, we are going out for dinner to the restaurant where our wedding lunch was served. I can't wait to spend some alone time with my best friend.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A tisket A tasket....

Mikayla's in a basket.

Learning to play Snakes and Ladders before bed tonight.

Thanks for visiting Myriah! We all enjoyed getting to see you and have you come for dinner. Sorry it was a little "hairy" at times but you seemed to handle it well

*Sleep Update: After a week of the kid's sharing a room and going to bed between 9-10pm and waking up very early, the last two nights they have been asleep by 8pm! Aiden also hasn't come downstairs and is even waking up in the mornings after Caileigh. Still not sure how a 2 year old, who doesn't nap, survives on such little sleep but she is our little party girl.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Days

Despite not feeling 100%, the kids and I packed up and head to the beach today. What a fabulous day. Great weather, fun company and lot's of yummy snacks!

Monday, August 17, 2009

After breakfast, the kids enjoy "learning time". This usually consists of activity books, printing practice, circle time or science experiments etc. I'm excited because today I picked up a piece of plywood so we can mount our calendar/days of the week/weather charts and then I plan to paint the backside with chalk paint for printing practice! I am choosing not to enroll the kids in Preschool this Fall but each child will choose an activity of their choice. Aiden thinks he would like to try Gymnastics or Soccer (if they have Fall registration) and Caileigh is most likely going to be doing swim classes. I think we'll hold off on dance classes until next year and then she can join Highland with me.

Caileigh especially loves working through activity books. She enjoys coloring and doing matching exercises.

Aiden enjoys making plans. He likes to draw out what he hopes to build that day. This is a plan of a Dump. He has pictured a dump truck, excavator, garbage bin and worker.
This was his Dump after he finished. You can see the dump truck, excavator and building. The string is attached to an empty bin that he fills garbage into and then lifts it up and dumps it out. I love to see his ability to come up with a plan and carry it through to finished product!
The other day we ventured on bike past our block. Aiden ended up making it over 3km! We got home and he sits on the couch and announces, "I think next year I might want to try riding in the Tour de France. I guess I just need to get myself a number shirt." Good goal, but perhaps we should try losing the training wheels first.
Caileigh never lets me do anything with her hair. I have tons of hair accessories and she prefers to wear her hair down. The other day she was going out with Grandma on a date and she let me do her hair like a dancer(her words). After we put it up, I then painted her nails and put some fancy smelling lotion on. She was quite excited and it gave me a look into the future raising two girls. Fun times are ahead! (stated both sarcastically and seriously)
The other day we went to the beach with Bupee. I'm thinking I should figure out how to photoshop Sean into some of the pictures. Well that or try and get back to the beach on a day off.

I've been fighting a flu bug all weekend so hopefully I am feeling better soon. It's too bad that life doesn't stop when you are sick. Actually, it's too bad that kids don't stop when you are sick!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A few pictures from Aiden's party on Wednesday.

*Not quite like your bouncy castle Rachel, but Aiden's friend brought it over to share.

Sharing room?

The kids and I will be sitting down for a big discussion* today. I need to let them know it is completely inappropriate and socially unacceptable to run around the house at 2am with underwear on your head! It does not matter if you are a "monster" or that you are having difficulties sleeping because you are not tired or even that you really needed to make a high rise tower. It is also not acceptable to not fall back asleep until 4, causing your mother to run up and down the stairs multiple times to SCREAM ....... " Go Back To Sleep!!!!"

Somebody tell me this sharing bedroom scenario will get better? Please?

*Edited to add..I just realized that a "discussion" would mean that I was asking for their opinion. I'm thinking not. Let's make it a very serious talk!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

After some requests for video, I managed to capture some today. There is one each from the older two in "special" time and a few of us just spending time downstairs......enjoy! Oh, and please excuse the dirty faces.

Poor Aiden got stung by a wasp for the second time this summer! Poor Monkey.

Also the older two slept in the same room last night!! I moved Caileigh's bed over into Aiden's room after a few weeks of him getting up several times a night. I am hoping that he won't feel the need to wake us up so often if Caileigh is in the same room to make him feel more secure. Last night went well with both staying upstairs until 6:30am!! They were even asleep by 9pm! Let's hope this continues and then perhaps Mikayla can get herself a new room...........

Saturday, August 8, 2009

On Birthdays and Food

Mikayla has been slow to take solid food.  I knew, however, that with a brother and sister that LOVE to eat allllllll day, she would soon find enjoyment.   Garden fresh Peas are a favorite and Yams a close second.  We have tried a variety of vegetables and are adding more fruits. I think I will pick up a chicken to start preparing more protein filled choices.

Our neighbors have been away all summer and have given us free reign of their garden.  Between their garden, and our own, we have been enjoying Cherries, Blackberries, Plums, Strawberries, Raspberries, Lettuce, Cucumber, Zuchinni, Peas, Broccoli, Radishes, and soon to be ripe Tomatoes!

Aiden's birthday was a lot of fun.  We did a barbecue lunch and it worked well as he had the whole afternoon to enjoy his gifts and there wasn't the usual "over-tired cram everything in before bedtime" fight.  Next Wednesday he is having another party with a few friends.  Hopefully the weather cooperates.  It is hard to believe that it was so hot just last week!  Thank you to everyone for Aiden's great birthday gifts.  Everyone seemed to know exactly what he wanted.  Aiden is thrilled to be 4.  Before bed he had asked me, "Am I four now Mommy?"  I said that he was and he replied, "Oh good, I never really liked being three".