Friday, January 29, 2010

These days Mikayla......

is quickly becoming a toddler. At 13 months she loves to go to the park and walk around exploring.
Mikayla likes to rummage through cupboards and throw everything in sight.
Mikalya loves to climb and is extremely proud when she accomplishes what she sets out to do.
Mikayla's favorite thing is when she can play in her room by herself exploring the toys independently.
Mikayla is always quick to offer a smile and loves all people. She is just starting some separation anxiety but if she is upset, can be calmed quickly.
Mikayla feels great upset when she is told that she cannot do something. Tears, attempted bites and arched back complete the "tantrum".
Mikayla is full of funny expressions. She loves to make people laugh by making funny faces.
Mikayla is signing "more", "all done" and "please" and the older two are helping her with some others. (thank-you, milk, apple, orange, help, etc.)
Mikayla is 29 inches and 22 lbs so she is now the same size that Aiden was at 7 months! She is similiar to Caileigh's size at 11-12 months.

The third tooth (top right) is through and the other top left should be through soon.

Mikayla is a sweet, cheerful and loving addition to our family.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

These days Caileigh.......

is embracing all things princess. Caileigh loves to dress up in "beautiful" dresses, do her hair, wear make up and dance around the house. When a repair man was in our house last week Caileigh told me that she needed to tell the man something. She turned to him and said, "I'm a princess you know." This morning at church the Sunday school teacher asked if the kids had anything they wanted to pray about. Caileigh asked that they pray that she become a princess and a ballerina that can twirl on one toe.

Caileigh loves to dance. Each week she anxiously awaits her dance class. Caileigh also enjoys coming to the studio to watch the older girls dance and she will easily spend over 2 hours just watching. Last night was Caileigh's first official "dance out" to perform at the Seniors home. All day Caileigh kept asking if it was time to get ready to go. Finally, the time arrived and we set off for the performance. Caileigh enjoyed visiting with all the older girls and was having fun until it came time for her to dance. Her face turned white and her eyes got big and she asked if we could go home. She was upset while we watched the other girls performance. Later, after everyone had head home, we visited with an employee from Safeway and her aunt. All of a sudden Caileigh announced that she would like to dance. Right then and there she put on an impromptu performance for Elaine (the Safeway employee) her aunt and the other seniors seated around. When we got in the car she told Grandma that she was so glad that she had danced and she was very proud of herself. Later that evening there was someone at our door and it was Elaine with a rose for Caileigh. She was thrilled!!
A video of her impromptu performance. (may be a little blurry as I grabbed the camera in a hurry)

Caileigh loves to draw, write short stories, and paint. She is often found at the table creating something with paper, scissors and glue. Caileigh's extremely fond of all things pink and sparkly and her art projects often reflect this.

Caileigh loves to read and spends her quiet time cuddled up looking at books. Each night after we tuck her in, we find piles of books beside her bed that she has looked through and then cast aside.
Caileigh is a natural mother in training. She loves to spend time with her dolls feeding them, rocking them and tenderly caring for them.

All. Day. Long. I can be heard asking Caileigh to "get off Mikayla!!!!" She loves to hold her, hug her, pick her up and be attached to her. Mikayla enjoys this to a point and then finds it extremely frustrating. The other day I was looking back at videos of Caileigh with Mikayla shortly after she was born and I could hear myself saying the same things that I am saying now a year later.
Caileigh has a quaint, sophisticated way of talking and loves to expand on her vocabulary. These days she might feel "joyful" for having a clean room or "enthusiastic" towards an activity. She loves to direct our conversations. We will be playing and she will direct me to say, "that girl is a beautiful princess." I then have to say this and she will direct me what to say next. This goes on all day with a variety of conversations. Very cute, however tedious!
Caileigh also insists on dressing herself and loves to change outfits several times a day. Sometimes her outfits look wonderfully put together and other times, not so much.
Caileigh is a sweet, giggly, loving girl who is thoughtful and caring towards others. Her gentle nature is a joy to have around each day and we love this amazing 3 year old princess!

Monday, January 25, 2010

These days Aiden........

is all about Lego! Aiden will spend hours each day creating and re-creating projects from Lego. He is not shy about stopping people in public to tell them about his favorite lego creations and he will spend his quiet time studying his "flyers" that come with each purchase. It is amazing to see him follow the directions and put together difficult items all on his own. Recently, a five year old told Aiden that he was going to become bored of Lego when he gets older. He has been terribly upset by this proclamation and insists that he will "never, ever, ever become bored of lego, ever!"
Diggers and all things construction are still on his high list of interests. This summer we are hoping to create an area in the back yard for gravel and old tires and diggers. Aiden wants to constantly discuss my "plans" for this area.
Aiden is a high energy, one volume, full of adventure, boy. He is planning, creating and moving from the time he wakes up, until the time he is in bed. He prides himself on being "tricky" and loves to show off these moves.
His difficulties these days involve "not listening" and time outs are often in order.......even at the park.
Aiden loves crafts, art projects, baking and "learning time".
He can write and illustrate stories with assistance and is learning to read simple words and sight words.
Aiden is a serious, deep thinker. He takes responsibility seriously and thrives on routine and rules. He is quick to point out others that are not following the rules and has a strong sense of justice. Aiden is helpful and loves to be involved in my daily chores. He is responsible for cleaning his room, putting dirty clothes in the wash, setting and clearing the table, preparing simple snacks and helping with his sisters. He takes his role as big brother quite seriously and looks forward to becoming one for the third time.
Aiden is a deep feeler. He can be sensitive and is full of love and snuggles. We love the big, nearly 4 1/2 year old that he has become.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

When I grow up.....

Aiden says he wants for BC Ferries, become a vet and drive a garbage truck.
Caileigh says she wants to......become a ballerina, a princess and a doctor.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's been an extremely busy week. We have also had an interesting few days with 2 vehicles at the mechanics and a flooded basement due to a burst hot water tank. Today, after the new tank was installed, we decided to go on an adventure. We rode the bus into town and went to the Orca Bus. This is essentially Strong Start but on an old school bus. We then walked into town to go for lunch, walked through the mall and bused home. It was good to get out and although we enjoy riding the bus it makes me grateful that we are not fully reliant on this form of transportation. As soon as the vehicles are running again we will be looking at selling them and getting some more reliable vehicles. So much drama in such a short time. Looking forward to our quiet weekend!

Waiting for the bus.

The Orca Bus. (funny that all the kids are looking away)
Walking to lunch.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

I can see it now.....

Fast forward a dozen years from now....

yay! The girls start music class next Thursday. Aiden has Gymnastics so it will be neat to just take the younger two. Can't wait to see how Mikayla reacts!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baby #5?

I was just tucking Aiden into bed and he asked me when the baby was coming. I told him July. "No, not that baby." he replied, "I mean baby #5!" I assured him that this would be our last baby and he said, "Oh Mommy, maybe we should just wait and see."
Although I am quite certain that this will be our last baby, it is encouraging to know that he enjoys his big brother role so much that he would willingly and excitedly do it again!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back into routine

I'm feeling great! I am off the Diclectin, have a ton more energy and am enjoying getting back into routine. The kids and I have been enjoying a different activity each day. Swimming on Mondays, dance on Tuesdays, Library on Wednesdays....... It feels refreshing to get out.

It is fun to watch the kids mature and take on more responsibilities. They were excited to make their own sandwiches for lunch yesterday. I was joking with Sean that I just have to get them making dinners by July and we'll have it made!!

Aiden has been really enjoying chapter books. He tends to be like me and want to read the whole book in a sitting, rather than reading a little each day. We spent over 2 hours yesterday starting and finishing an entire book. Today at the library I picked up Charlotte's Web. It is a fairly long book so it will be good for him to learn to listen a little each day. When we are finished, perhaps we can watch the movie.

Mikayla LOVES music. As soon as she hears it, she begins to sway her body, clap her hands and "sing". Today at Library during singing, she was giggling and giggling because she was so excited to be a part of the group of kids singing. I am going to look into enrolling the kids in the music classes offered at our local music academy. I think all the kids would really enjoy it.

My friend visited today from the island. Mikayla was sleeping, my Mom took Aiden out for a special outing and so it was just Caileigh and I and my friend and her eldest. The girls had so much fun! They spent time playing house, princesses and painting. I was actually able to have an entire conversation without being interrupted and enjoyed this "girl" time very much.
I love chocolate mousse. I think this has got to be one of the most delicious, soothing, comforting desserts. The problem is it is made from whipped cream. I saw a recipe on the Food Network that used dessert tofu in the place of whipped cream. I melted chocolate, a bit of icing sugar and vanilla and then blended it with the tofu. Delicious! I know that it is still a dessert, however I am sure the extra protein in the tofu is more nutritious than whipped cream. I may even be able to justify eating it in spoonfuls throughout the day. Only to keep my blood sugars level, of course.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The "one year, in a yellow rain jacket and boots", picture.

*I copied Louise and just took photos of the photos for Aiden and Caileigh.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sunday night

Sunday night, 9:00, after a long and full day, Sean and I sat down to enjoy a movie. The kids weren't quite asleep but they were all tucked into their beds and had been for awhile. Aiden walks into the living room and asks me what cream is on Caileigh. I tell him I put a little Nivea on her and he needs to go back to bed. "But mommy, why is she all white?" Sean and I looked at each other and then called Caileigh in. This is what we saw. ZINC CREAM!!!!

I throw Caileigh in the bath and Sean starts to deal with the mess of cream all over our bed sheets. Aiden comes into the bathroom and asks what we are going to do about the cream on the carpet. Cream on the carpet?? We raced upstairs and this is what we saw.

These pictures truly do not give the mess justice. There were thick globs over the carpet in their room, at the top of the stairs and various other places throughout the house. We have spent over 4 hours scrubbing, cleaning, using baking soda, vinegar, carpet cleaners and the result is.......the mess is gone!!! If anyone ever needs to know how to get zinc cream out of clothes or carpet, email me, I am now an expert!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baby #4

We are expecting baby #4, this July.
Back in October, I noticed that seemingly overnight my milk supply dropped off. Mikayla was getting fussy while nursing and despite nursing her frequently, she didn't seem to be getting satisfied. The only other time this has happened, was back in early 2006 when Aiden was a baby and I found out I was expecting Caileigh. The very moment I had this realization I dragged 3 kids off to Wal-Mart to buy a pregnancy test while throwing in a pack of gum to hopefully disguise my purchase. I then raced home, took the test, and started to drive across town to take Aiden to gymnastics. I kept glancing at the results of the test in shock. I was pregnant!
I suppose I am still in shock although the constant, horrible nausea and exhaustion has helped to make it seem a little more real. I am 12 weeks and was able to hear the baby's heartbeat at this weeks Dr's appt as well as see it during an early ultrasound at 7 weeks. I am feeling much better then I was and am slowly getting back to our regular routine. I spent Nov-Dec at home, doing the minimum, and just trying to keep the kids happy and fed.
I am excited and looking forward to this unexpected adventure. I love that Aiden and Caileigh are close and I look forward to Mikayla having this same experience. Boy? Girl? Name? So many exciting things to come......

Monday, January 4, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

It was a busy week. On the 26th we celebrated a joint birthday for my Mom and Mikayla. We celebrated with one of our favorites, waffles/strawberries and whipped cream. We had banana cupcakes with white chocolate ganache. My friend Deb recommended them and they truly were yummy! Mikayla loved her new gifts and especially her new walker.

Monday, we left for Victoria. We were able to have a second Christmas with Sean's family and celebrate Mikayla's birthday. We enjoyed spending time with family, going for a hike, playing at an indoor play center and eating good food.
One thing I was really hoping to make for mikayla's 1st birthday was a butterfly cake. With everything else going on, there just wasn't the time to be able to make one. I told Nanee that any cake would be fine. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that she had made Mikayla a butterfly cake!! It was cute and it tasted great too.