Thursday, August 1, 2019

Okanagan Lake

We were invited out to Maddy's cabin for a day spent on the lake and a barbecue dinner.  This is such a highlight of our summer!

Okanagan Military Tattoo

This year Aiden was a part of the Okanagan Military Tattoo that Vernon hosts each year.  It is an incredible performance with bands from all around the world.  The girls were also able to participate by being the OMT mascots:)  They had so much fun parading around the event dressed as OMT Rex and mini-Rex.

Piping Hot Summer Drummer

Each year there is a large school of piping/drumming/dancing held on Silver Star.  Aiden, Caileigh and Mikayla were all able to participate in a week long session of classes, performances and events.  We were very blessed as we received several bursaries to help the kids attend.  We ended up paying less than a third of the cost it would have been.  Mikayla was excited to have won a new set of custom tenor mallets and Aiden was gifted new drum sticks from a fellow class mate.
The days were long but the kids thoroughly enjoyed this experience.  The boys and I were also able to become quite intimate with the village as we strolled around for up to 10 hours each day.
At the end of the week, all the attendees marched through the village.  It was cut shorter than usual though due to the Snow!  In July!


It saddens me that the summer months go by so quickly.  I wish I could pause the carefree days of beaches, sunshine and fun:)
July included our participation in Piping Hot Summer Drummer, golf camp for the younger three, Teen camp for Caileigh, a visit to the Kamloops Highland games, waterslides, beach and more:)

The boys got wood burning kits for their birthday from Bupee.  They've been enjoying experimenting with them.

A picnic at Kin Beach

Jordan learning to mow the lawn.