Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Pumpkin Patch

Homeschool with Boys


Our friends the Wells joined us for Thanksgiving this year.  It was a busy, full weekend:)

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Back To School

We're officially back to school in the Watson house.  It was a different start this year.  I usually like to start mid-August to give us more flexibility during the year but with constant visitors and settling in, we waited until September this year.  We also didn't do a speck of summer school and I have to say the break was well enjoyed.

I'm slowly adding in activities as we get settled.  It's been tough to go slow as there are so many great opportunities in Vernon!  The kids have a homeschool community class that they all go to one morning a week and it has been a great way for them to make friends and enjoy school with other kids.  The girls stay on during the afternoon for community theatre and as the year goes on there will be other learning camps made available.
The older two are going to Jr. Youth once or twice a week and there is a Kids Club for the younger three.  We start piano in November and swim lessons in January.  

It's definitely a lot of juggling with all the different grades and abilities! 
It helps that Aiden and Caileigh are becoming so independent and are doing some online courses.  I also pair the younger three together for much of the learning.
I think we're off to a strong start and we're looking forward to the rest of the year!

Jordan Grade 2

Alex Grade 2

Mikayla Grade 4

Caileigh Grade 6

Aiden Grade 7

Reading time

Online Art Tutorials

I'm trying to incorporate lot's of fun art activities this year.

The boys making 3-D paper models.

Cuneiform tablets

First day of Community Class.  (Aiden was sick!)

Settling in to her class

Making sourdough biscuits while learning about the Gold Rush 

Jordan's striped polar bears:)

Alex is loving creating comics

Trying to combine Mik's favourite subject (art!) with her least favourite subject (writing)


September has been full of more visitors and getting back into routine.

A visit to the park.

Visit with Nanee and Bupee.  Each of the kids got a sleep over in the motorhome and they really loved this special time!  So did I!  It's amazing what a difference each of the different dynamics makes to the overall noise/chaos level of the home:)

Boys make dessert.  An ice cream cake FULL of goodies.

Church picnic with 100 Mile friends.

Park lunch after school.

Jordan's tooth went right through his cheek!  A little glue and he was good to go.

Another visit with our friends the Rutledges.  They came down for a school field trip and we had a fantastic weekend.

Vernon Science Center (We're annual members so we're able to go often)