Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We spent the last week with Grandma. Although everyone was sick, we did manage to fit in a few adventures.

Now that life has gotten busy with the five kids, I often feel like company comes and goes without any real interaction. I suppose that is what our visits will now look like.......a quick submersion into our life and happenings.
I am so thankful for the time that we can spend with family.

Although Caileigh's birthday party was cancelled, we had a wonderful day with Grandma.
As per tradition, the birthday individual gets to choose their dinner. Caileigh chose her favorite......ribs. I think you can clearly see the evidence all over her face!

Alex couldn't decide whether he wanted to eat the cake, or gnaw on the rib bone.

The younger three are still fighting this cold/flu and I have been feeling fairly crummy as well.
We plan on spending some quiet time leading up to Christmas with.......
a little playdough


Listening to audio CD's

Wiping runny noses

And just enjoying spending time with each other!


  1. With you all....Even the worst of times can be
    the best of time!!

  2. What a delightful family.

    Merry Merry Merry Christmas everyone.

    Hugs to each and every one of you.
