Thursday, December 30, 2010

6 months

You always have a quick smile and a ready giggle.
You are strong and are nearly sitting up on your own.
You are starting to figure out how to enjoy solids and have tried bananas, squash, yams and cereal.
You start your day around 7 and go down for the night around 6-6:30.
You adore being held.
You love being worn in the Ergo on my back.
You have expressive eyes.
You love being in the exersaucer.
You enjoy the jolly jumper tremendously.
You are still not too sure about solids and would rather nurse 6 times a night.
You are becoming quick at rolling.
You like to fight sleep and wake up early.

You both.......
Love to be free to roll around and explore the new things in your environment. The Christmas tree has been fun for you to try and pull down.
You both put everything to your mouth and chew. Your favorites are the "nipple ball" and your new Sophie giraffes. This fascination for "chewing" is proving to be detrimental to our nursing relationship.
You both love to chat with each other and chew on one anothers hands although someone always ends up getting hurt by pinching fingers or punching fists.
You both love people and adore your siblings. You adore the things they do to make you laugh and even seem to like the rough play.

You are both amazing in your ability to brighten even the darkest day.
We love you Alexander David and Jordan Shea.
Happy 6 months!


  1. Happy happy happy 6 months !!!!!!!!

    And congratulations to Sean and Ash for having such a great family.


  2. Happy 6mos. day to the 'boys. They look so healthy and happy!

  3. I just need to say that I am so proud of you for nursing two big boys for 6 months, way to go! They are so gorgeously pudgy:)

  4. We enjoyed seeing the boys. They are beautiful babies. Alex looks like he loves nursing. The last photo is priceless. We both enjoy reading your blog. love Aunty Ina and Aunty Margaret. (now at Jean's) Hope to see you on ichat!
