Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hard Worker

Apparently, Aiden was trying to dig down to the water source. Good thing we stopped him before he hit a gas line!


  1. Wow! he has incredible determination. If I need any post holes dug-I'll know who to call!

  2. Oh Aiden, you are unbelievable! We are not surprised as we know that you just love dirt and to dig. Great pics Ashley with each of the big kids in the hole that was dug. I'm sure the girls did not object. What did Aiden's dad have to say?!

    Nanee and Bupee

  3. Rachel, Aiden is worse than owning a dog. He is constantly digging holes!!

  4. I'm having a hard time stopping laughing long enough to type this. That hole has made some good progress since I was there last. If he filled it with water now it really would be a swimming pool! Did you see China while you were down there? L-O-L!!!!!
