It has been amazing to watch you change and develop over the last few months. You have always been a happy, cheerful girl and you delight in making others laugh. You are (so far) the loudest of your siblings and love to use your voice to shriek in delight and also to shriek in protest.
You spend your days getting into mischief. You are tireless and relentless. There are times I feel such exasperation and then I look at your cheeky little smile and I can't help but laugh.

You adore your little brothers and nearly always know who is who. It is quite amazing actually. One quick glance and "hi baby Alex" or "hi baby Jordan". There are times that you want my lap to yourself and I do my best to accommodate for you.

You try and participate in everything that your big brother and sister do and do not consider yourself younger in any way. You are starting to play well with them and I notice friendships developing.
You try and participate in everything that your big brother and sister do and do not consider yourself younger in any way. You are starting to play well with them and I notice friendships developing.
You are sweet, clever and our little Miky Moo.
We love you.
Oh, so much cuteness wrapped up into one little toddler. Auntie loves you, Mikkerooni!!