Thursday, September 30, 2010

3 months!

Alex, you are such a sweet, social, giggly boy. You study people until they make eye contact and then you are ready to flash a smile and begin "chatting". You are extremely strong. You have started to enjoy tummy time and you have been rolling over from your stomach to back. You can roll both ways. You enjoy the bumbo and your play mat. You have had nights where you have slept 11 hours but you have just gone through a growth spurt and have been waking up a couple of times. You usually wake up happy.
Jordie, you are such an adorable, happy, smiley boy. You love to be held facing out and enjoy watching the going ons of your siblings. You are not very fond of the bumbo or tummy time and prefer the swing or sitting in laps. You are consistently up several times a night and love to snuggle up after your feedings.

Alex and Jordan, you both love to be changed. You giggle the moment I begin to undress you. You love your bath times and often start smiling as soon as you hear the water running. You either nap 3-4 shorter naps a day or 2 long naps. You are both starting to go down for the night around 7ish. You are learning to put yourselves to sleep. I can nurse you, lay you down with a soother and you will drift off. Sometimes I will be walking around the house with one of you and when I look down, you are sound asleep. You both enjoy sucking on your hands and often push your soothers out so you can enjoy your hands instead. You have both blessed us beyond measure and we are so thankful that you are a part of our family. Double the blessing indeed!


  1. I know the boys are so much work but seriously, could they be any more adorable?! Wow. Gorgeous.

  2. oh my goodness, Ash. So delicious, those babies. The wait to nibble on those cheeks is getting a bit long. Thinking of you as you are so needed by all your babies during these long days and short years. xoxo

  3. Oh my they are SO cute! Those happy, smiley round little faces are adorable!

  4. Wow, they just keep getting cuter and cuter :o) Love you and miss you all!!

  5. Oh my gosh, can you get any cuter or more beautiful than these two little angels. The smiles and stories of their preferences are precious. I'm still trying to figure out who they most look like and the verdict is not in yet in this house. They are just too beautiful and cuddly. We miss them and all the rest of the family so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nanee and Bupee

  6. Lovely photos and comments Ashley!
