Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Watson Twins are Here!!!

Top - Alexander (Alex) 6lbs 8 oz - 19 inches
Bottom - Jordan 8lbs 2 oz - 21 inches

Hello All. It's me, Ashley, here in hospital still, much to my disdain. Things are going better than they were and the boys are absolutely amazing! I just thought I would send a little fill in on the events of the last few days. I am currently stuck in bed with a spinal headache and am unable to sit up but more on that later. I'll write the events out note form and see if I can remember everything......

June 30th....
-2 failed spinal attempts
-Had to be put under general anesthetic and both Sean and I missed the birth
-The boys responded poorly to the anesthetic and had to be worked on to keep well, especially Jordan. His original apgar score was 3 but within 10min had moved up to a 9. The nurses said it is probably best that Sean and I didn't have to see them working on the babies as it was quite stressful.
-Alex was born at 9:10 and Jordan at 9:11
-Around 11 I was moved from recovery up to see the babies
-Shortly after I started to hemorrhage and ended up losing a tremendous amount of blood and started to go into shock.
-A normal low hemoglobin count is roughly 110 and I was down to 70
-I was given 4 units of blood to and my hemoglobin count is now up to 90
-Developed a spinal headache and have been lying in bed since
-My milk is hopefully beginning to come in and I am hoping this will help with the twins weight gain and jaundice as they are both down a little over a pound.
-I am awaiting the Dr to visit today and they may be able to perform a "blood patch" which essentially should cure my spinal headache instantly and although there is some risk involved, the alternative is waiting up to 2 weeks for relief!

The boys are adorable and seem to do everything at the same time. I am trying to somewhat change them and feed them around the same time and they seem to be coming up with their own little routine. They remind me very much of Aiden at this age and are noisy little squeakers just like he was. I hope all is well with everyone and I will do my best to catch up in phone calls once I am released from the hospital. Take care, Ash


  1. You have been in my thoughts and prayers for a few days now. They are perfect and I hope you feel relief very soon!

  2. Congratulations Ashley, Sean and the whole family!! I am sorry that you had such a rough time but I know that those beautiful boys will be worth all the hard work and trauma. There were many people praying for you, I walked around and around the helicopter pad praying for you, the babies and your Mom. May God bless all of you richly.
    -Deb, Dan, Cedar, Kerry, Abby and Toma

  3. poor Alex....he looks so worried in this picture

  4. HI, Sean and Ashley, the entire family has been thinking of you, almost non stop for the past 5 days. We hope you will soon be feeling well Ashley. The little boys are beautiful and no doubt will keep you very busy.

  5. Wow. What a mass of emotions. I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this. You hear about the risks of C-sections all the time but rarely so many complications. I really hope that you heal quickly and that you are able to breastfeed your baby boys. The boys are so beautiful and I can't believe they are so big!! Congratulations!!!

  6. Congrats Ash! So great to hear everyone is doing well after all of that! Hope you get to go home soon!

    xoxo Myr

  7. Wow! They were so big for twins!
    Congratulations!! I'm so happy to hear that they have arrived and are doing better. I hope you get some relief from the headache and are able to be back to your usual active self soon.
    Hurray for your milk comming in! How are the boys doing with feeding?
    We've been praying and will continue to pray!

  8. Hi Little Family of Five:

    Thanks Ash....... mama HAS been missing in every which way.

    The twins are so beautiful and while you had a really rough go of it... Jesus got you through it with flying colours.

    Such a great family.

    Isn't there a book about Five Little Peppers??? You can start the sequel Five Little Watsons.....

    Love you all very much. Sean.... you look so proud.....

