Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy 19 months Mikayla

What a big girl you are becoming. You are cheerful, energetic and always quick to greet people with a "hi" and a smile. You adore your new brothers and love to sit and cuddle them. You are very close to Aiden and Caileigh and love to call them when they are out of the room. You have been exploring your independence and have been known to shout "NO" allllllllll day long. You have also been experimenting with hitting someone and then offering a gentle kiss to follow up. Your favorite games include turning off the TV when Aiden and Caileigh are watching and running away, climbing on furniture and calling "Mommy" with a mischievous grin, and finding new and creative ways to escape from the boundaries of the safety gates.
You are napping once a day for several hours. You go to bed around 7/7:30 and wake up around 6/6:30. You are content to spend time alone. You can repeat any word that is spoken and are using 2 word sentences. You have 12 teeth and weigh 24 pounds.
Although you have no interest in television, you have a keen interest in the characters. You discovered Caileigh's stuffed "Ming Ming" doll from the Wonder Pets and now sleep with him. You also sleep with Aiden's stuffed "Bob" doll. One day we were at Wal-Mart and you would not let Grandma pass by a Wonder Pets shirt. You were signing and begging "please" over and over until Grandma realized that you were asking for the shirt. It has become a favorite!
You keep me running from morning to night and I could never imagine our lives without you.
You are one special girl!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Mikkerooni, you are such a delight. I can see you begging Grandma for that shirt. What a kid!!!
