Sunday, May 23, 2010

This weekend Auntie Misty visited. I have really been struggling with my sore rib. I am unable to do much and have spent the last two days lying down. Auntie took the kids on adventure after adventure from morning until dinner. The kids had a fantastic time and I was able to rest. She even cooked and cleaned! Thank you for all your help Auntie!!!


  1. Yay for Misty! Thanks for doing what many of us wish we could drop everything to do for Ash.

  2. Yay for family! I hope your rib feels better soon. Is everything just expanding so much that it will continue to be sore?

  3. Observations from Auntie:

    1) Although Aiden and Caileigh are so close in age, it's interesting to watch Aiden emerge as the leader and protector. He did such a lovely job of keeping an eye on Mikki the Wandering Monster at the park while I was pushing Caileigh on the swing. I kept glancing over from time to time to make sure that he was doing an ok job, but when he caught me looking he said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I've got her. Everything is just fine."

    2) I have referred to and called Aiden and Caileigh "The Kidlets" for the last couple of years. This weekend Aiden looked at me and informed me that he didn't want me to call him that any more. Sigh... The firstborn is now officially a Big Kid. When asked if it was still ok for me to call her a Kidlet, Caileigh replied, "Oh, yes, Auntie!".

    3) I took the older two to the pool, and at the very end Aiden asked to go in the big pool to play basketball. Off we went, but when we got in he spied the big waterslide and asked if he could go on it. After being instructed to ask the lifeguard if it was ok to do, he walked over to her and asked, and was given permission. He climbed to the top, and as he did, Caileigh (whom I was holding at the bottom of the slide) started shaking. I asked her if she was cold. "No, Auntie! I'm excited!" After counting to three Aiden pushed off, and with terror written across his face he slid down and splashed into the pool. He was so excited he did it twice more before we left.

    4) Mikki is fast. Not ordinary fast, either. It shouldn't be possible for her to run so fast on those little legs, but somehow she does. She's also quiet, which makes her a stealthy little escape artist. Let's hope she doesn't put these skills to use as a teenager!

    Thanks so much for a great visit, and I'll look forward to seeing you again soon!!


