Monday, May 31, 2010

34 weeks

I had my last ultrasound last week and both the boys looked good. They were measuring around 4 lbs 14 oz! My cervix is unchanged and the Dr. is pleased. I have still been struggling with my rib which the Dr. says can be inflammation or tearing from the ligament of the ribs. I try to rest in between my activity and a hot pack seems to help. There isn't much else that can be done. Besides that, I feel really good. I have been getting a lot more braxton hicks and lower pressure from twin A who is quite low. Twin B remains breach. My weight gain is around 50 lbs but I refuse to calculate the kg. conversion. My belly is measuring 41 1/2 inches and seems to be growing down low rather than out.
Other news, the official c-section date has been set for.........
JUNE 30!!!
That is 4 weeks away. Oh. My. Goodness.


  1. JUNE 30!!! (I like that better than July 1 but this clearly is not about me. :) unreal.

  2. Four weeks?! Wow!! You look so good.

  3. June 30th!!! Oh. My. Goodness. is right!
    I bet you are feeling all sorts of emotions about that! It will be so nice to meet your new boys though!

  4. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm thinking that your blog is very aptly named, dear sister-in-law!!! Got coffee? Or chocolate? Or earplugs...
