Thursday, May 20, 2010


Between our three children there are a variety of different dymanics. I find it so interesting to watch the interactions between them and observe the different play that takes place depending on who is paired with whom.

Aiden and Caileigh are close in age and share a room. They are termed "the big kids" and there are special privileges that come with this title. Games, learning activities and toys are catered to the two of them and most of their day is spent together.
Caileigh and Mikayla share a love for dolls, the outdoors and chase. These two will most likely end up sharing a room and being the only two girls I see their relationship developing to become close. There will be special bonding moments being the only girls sandwiched between boys.
Aiden and Mikayla enjoy reading together and Aiden finds Mikayla's silly behaviors hysterical. Aiden takes his big brother role seriously and is very nurturing and protective of his little sister. Aiden gets Mikayla out of bed each morning and likes to stop her from getting into danger.
Then there are the three. As Mikayla grows older their play is developing and becoming more inclusive. It thrills me to watch the three play cooperatively.
This all makes me wonder where the next two boys will fit in. I imagine they will share a special relationship being twins. Will they look up to Aiden as the big, wiser brother? Will they look to their sisters for nurture and care?
I pray that they will all be close and I look forward to watching all five relationships change and develop.


  1. very sweet post, Ash. You're such a great mama.

  2. In my family, we had the big kids (2 of us) and the little kids (3 of them). We still use those terms when talking about ourselves:) What great relationships they will be interesting to see what happens when you add the boys. I still can't believe you are having twins. So awesome.
