Monday, May 31, 2010

34 weeks

I had my last ultrasound last week and both the boys looked good. They were measuring around 4 lbs 14 oz! My cervix is unchanged and the Dr. is pleased. I have still been struggling with my rib which the Dr. says can be inflammation or tearing from the ligament of the ribs. I try to rest in between my activity and a hot pack seems to help. There isn't much else that can be done. Besides that, I feel really good. I have been getting a lot more braxton hicks and lower pressure from twin A who is quite low. Twin B remains breach. My weight gain is around 50 lbs but I refuse to calculate the kg. conversion. My belly is measuring 41 1/2 inches and seems to be growing down low rather than out.
Other news, the official c-section date has been set for.........
JUNE 30!!!
That is 4 weeks away. Oh. My. Goodness.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy 17 months little sister.....soon to be big sister.
You make us smile
and we love you so.
Love Aiden and Caileigh

*Mikayla seemed fairly "off" last week and when I looked in her mouth I could see a molar nearly ready to pop through.
Two days ago I looked back in her mouth and all 4 molars have popped in!!
no wonder she wasn't feeling well.
This brings her total to 11 teeth.

Also, a new behavior of Mikayla's that seems slightly untimely is that whenever one of the kids come and sit in my lap,
Mikayla becomes angry and will hit and scream so that she can be the one sitting in my lap.
Let's hope this behavior turns around before the babies arrive!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wild woman by morning.
Tired artist by nap.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

This weekend Auntie Misty visited. I have really been struggling with my sore rib. I am unable to do much and have spent the last two days lying down. Auntie took the kids on adventure after adventure from morning until dinner. The kids had a fantastic time and I was able to rest. She even cooked and cleaned! Thank you for all your help Auntie!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This fall, my family is embarking on a new adventure. There will be the arrival of twins, of course, which will be amazing and challenging and a whole list of descriptive words, but I am not talking about this. This adventure is something that I have been thinking/praying about for a couple of years. It is not a decision that I have made lightly but it is one that I feel strongly about and feel a great peace with. This fall will mark our first year of "official" homeschool.

There are many reasons for this decision but I think the one that sums it up best is that it suits our family. Sean does not work the typical Mon-Fri, 9-5, and rather puts in 60 house of work a week and has weekdays off. Sean's holidays come at random points throughout the year and our ability for quality family time is already stretched thin. I will enjoy the flexibility that homeschool will bring to us in this respect.

I love the fact that my kids can learn at their own pace. I don't want their progress to be decided by the majority in a classroom. I want to be able to cater to their interests and allow them to move ahead in areas that they are proficient in. I also want to be able to provide them time to understand their areas of difficulty. I believe that by following their unique learning levels, they will develop a love and desire to continue learning. This love for learning is another strong reason for homeschooling. I believe that all kids are unique and have different learning styles. I think some kids fit into the school system well and others fall through the cracks. Before I make the decision to send my kids to school, I want them to have a strong foundation and be independent learners.

There are going to be big changes in our family next year. I love that Aiden will be home to bond and enjoy the arrival of his new brothers. I love that the kids are close and they can continue to enjoy one another's company. I don't want to send him to school for full days where he will arrive home in time for a quick play, dinner and bed. I want to spend this time with him while he is still young.

We have been working on Aiden's kindergarten curriculum since January. I feel confident that he is meeting his learning requirements and my decision to start early will allow us flexibility in the coming school year. Both Aiden and Caileigh work through the same materials and it has allowed Caileigh to be challenged and enjoy the success of learning along with her brother.

There are many different methods of homeshooling and the one that I have chosen is accountable and systematic. Aiden is enrolled in a distance education school called "Heritage." Aiden has been set up with an individual teacher who's role is to see that Aiden meets his provincial learning requirements and to provide support and advice for me. Each week I am required to send in updates of our course work and several times a year I send in portfolios which highlight examples of Aiden's projects. There are several advantages to enrolling in a school and one of these is, curriculum money! Anything that I deem advantageous to Aiden's schooling is paid for up to a certain amount. I have already purchased Aiden's curriculum package and there is plenty of money left over for his chosen activities like art classes and soccer.

When discussing homeschool with others, it seems that the most commonly heard first words are, "What about socialization?" To be honest, this doesn't even make sense to me. My children are first and foremost socializing on a daily basis with their siblings and family members. Everyday they are learning appropriate and inappropriate ways to engage with others and this learning starts at home. This is not taught at school. My kids are highly involved in their community and have plenty of opportunities to interact with others their own age, and a variety of ages as well. There is a fair amount of "wasted time" in school and when my kids have finished their actual learning time, they have a lot of extra time to engage in activities of their choice. There will be great flexibility for them to follow their interests, whether it be dance, sports or music. Homeschool groups are another great way for kids to interact with others. Our town has a great network of homeschool families that get together for social and school related activities. I believe that if you are conscientious of providing your child with opportunities to interact with others, then they will be socialized well.

I am excited about our new adventure but am also keeping an open mind. I know that the coming year will be busy and crazy, yet I truly believe that this is a good decision. If for some reason, things don't work out, then I will re-evaluate. I want what is best for my kids and I will always put their needs first. Kindergarten is not mandatory. Keeping Aiden home next year provides him with time to continue maturing and growing. I do not know how long I will homeschool my children. My goal is to homeschool through their elementary years and then I will, along with their input, make decisions for their high school years. I don't know what the future holds, but I know it will not be dull!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Between our three children there are a variety of different dymanics. I find it so interesting to watch the interactions between them and observe the different play that takes place depending on who is paired with whom.

Aiden and Caileigh are close in age and share a room. They are termed "the big kids" and there are special privileges that come with this title. Games, learning activities and toys are catered to the two of them and most of their day is spent together.
Caileigh and Mikayla share a love for dolls, the outdoors and chase. These two will most likely end up sharing a room and being the only two girls I see their relationship developing to become close. There will be special bonding moments being the only girls sandwiched between boys.
Aiden and Mikayla enjoy reading together and Aiden finds Mikayla's silly behaviors hysterical. Aiden takes his big brother role seriously and is very nurturing and protective of his little sister. Aiden gets Mikayla out of bed each morning and likes to stop her from getting into danger.
Then there are the three. As Mikayla grows older their play is developing and becoming more inclusive. It thrills me to watch the three play cooperatively.
This all makes me wonder where the next two boys will fit in. I imagine they will share a special relationship being twins. Will they look up to Aiden as the big, wiser brother? Will they look to their sisters for nurture and care?
I pray that they will all be close and I look forward to watching all five relationships change and develop.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My sweet, loving husband

Sean just arrived home from work and I was in the bath. He walked in right as I was awkwardly trying to pull myself into a seated position, from lying down.

"That explains it." he comments.

"Explains what?" I ask.

"That explains why Green Peace is parked outside."

Gee, thanks.

Monday, May 17, 2010

32 weeks

I could talk about how quickly things are going and how I can't believe these two new babies will be here in 6 weeks at the most, but I am choosing to remain in denial a little while longer.

Things are going well. At my last ultrasound, at 31 weeks, they were measuring 30 weeks and 4 days and 30 weeks and 5 days. The weights were 3 1/2 pounds and 3 3/4 pounds! It was also interesting because about 2 weeks ago there was a lot of intense movement in my stomach and when I went for the ultrasound I found out that Baby B had switched to breech position. This also explained my constant, awful rib pain that I have been having. I am convinced that he has wedged his head under my rib cage and uses his feet to stretch even further. I am feeling very pregnant now and have typical complaints like heartburn, sore back, exhaustion, blah blah blah. I really can't complain though as things have been moving along smoothly.

The obstetrician has given me the date of July 1st as a goal. This would put the boys at 38 weeks and 3 days. I think it would be kind of neat to have them born on a holiday. There would even be fireworks in their honor!

Here is a video from the other night to show some of their movements.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A spoiled birthday

Sunday, Mother's Day, was also my birthday. Sean had to work but my Dad helped to create a wonderful day for my Mom and I. He came over and made waffles, strawberries and whipped cream for us. This is definitely a family favorite!

Mikayla helping herself to 2nds from Bupee's plate!
Couch snuggles.
Sean, home from work to say a surprise hello.
Sibling hugs.
The week before while Nanee and Bupee were visiting, Nanee helped the kids to plant a special flower box for me and bake me a delicious chocolate cake. The kids were so excited to surprise me and kept talking about the "surprise" all day.

Monday, my Mom, Caileigh and I went over to the island for my ultrasound and a special girls day. It was relaxing and special to spend some time with my big girl. We enjoyed treats like ice cream and cinnamon buns. I even managed to pick up an Ergo carrier which I have been hoping to get for Mikayla and the boys.When we returned, Sean barbecued hamburgers and we had a birthday dinner for me. There was even ice cream cake!!

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

To our wonderful, supportive, helpful, caring Moms. We love you!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nanee and Bupee came up from Victoria and it was great to spend some time with them.

There has been an unfinished portion of our yard and we were able to work on this. I suppose "we" being Sean and his Dad, although I would love to take credit.
The kids finished play area full of pea gravel and the dirt ready for grass planting! Thank you so much for putting in your time to help us finish this project.
I can't even take credit for the flower boxes because this was Nanee's project with the kids.

Today marked our first sprinkler play. I safely watched from the warm deck.