Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sharing room?

The kids and I will be sitting down for a big discussion* today. I need to let them know it is completely inappropriate and socially unacceptable to run around the house at 2am with underwear on your head! It does not matter if you are a "monster" or that you are having difficulties sleeping because you are not tired or even that you really needed to make a high rise tower. It is also not acceptable to not fall back asleep until 4, causing your mother to run up and down the stairs multiple times to SCREAM ....... " Go Back To Sleep!!!!"

Somebody tell me this sharing bedroom scenario will get better? Please?

*Edited to add..I just realized that a "discussion" would mean that I was asking for their opinion. I'm thinking not. Let's make it a very serious talk!


  1. oh dear... they way you tell the story makes it funny but really I can imagine your pain that night! i hope it has been better since.

  2. I would not be impressed! Good luck.

  3. Oh no! Has it gotten any better since? I really don't have any advice as we did all the massive training with Aiden so now that Katie is in a "big girl" bed, he enforces the rules.

    If only all our kids would both be potty trained quickly and sleep well! :)
