Tuesday, August 11, 2009

After some requests for video, I managed to capture some today. There is one each from the older two in "special" time and a few of us just spending time downstairs......enjoy! Oh, and please excuse the dirty faces.

Poor Aiden got stung by a wasp for the second time this summer! Poor Monkey.

Also the older two slept in the same room last night!! I moved Caileigh's bed over into Aiden's room after a few weeks of him getting up several times a night. I am hoping that he won't feel the need to wake us up so often if Caileigh is in the same room to make him feel more secure. Last night went well with both staying upstairs until 6:30am!! They were even asleep by 9pm! Let's hope this continues and then perhaps Mikayla can get herself a new room...........


  1. No excuse for dirty faces, that's what it's all about!!! Lovely family. Love it!

  2. No worries about dirty faces. By the way I love your new banner picture :)


  3. I have no sound on our computer here yet, so I'll have to check back on the videos.

    I am glad the sharing a room started off well, hopefully that will continue.
    When Marin and Corban started sharing a room sleeping got better for all of us too. Like with you guys I think it made them feel more secure.

  4. Ice cream or not, what's more shocking is that you're home from grocery shopping before 9:00 in the morning. (Not that I'm surprised, I know you've had that insane habit for a while. :)

    Caileigh cracks me up! Such a little lady. And Miky's hair! So adorable. I referred to a little 1 year old boy as a girl the other day, and have done it a few other times. I think it's because he had hair. My boys all took a while to grow theirs, so whenever I see hair my mind just thinks, 'girl'.
