After breakfast, the kids enjoy "learning time". This usually consists of activity books, printing practice, circle time or science experiments etc. I'm excited because today I picked up a piece of plywood so we can mount our calendar/days of the week/weather charts and then I plan to paint the backside with chalk paint for printing practice! I am choosing not to enroll the kids in Preschool this Fall but each child will choose an activity of their choice. Aiden thinks he would like to try Gymnastics or Soccer (if they have Fall registration) and Caileigh is most likely going to be doing swim classes. I think we'll hold off on dance classes until next year and then she can join Highland with me.
Caileigh especially loves working through activity books. She enjoys coloring and doing matching exercises.
Aiden enjoys making plans. He likes to draw out what he hopes to build that day. This is a plan of a Dump. He has pictured a dump truck, excavator, garbage bin and worker.

This was his Dump after he finished. You can see the dump truck, excavator and building. The string is attached to an empty bin that he fills garbage into and then lifts it up and dumps it out. I love to see his ability to come up with a plan and carry it through to finished product!

The other day we ventured on bike past our block. Aiden ended up making it over 3km! We got home and he sits on the couch and announces, "I think next year I might want to try riding in the Tour de France. I guess I just need to get myself a number shirt." Good goal, but perhaps we should try losing the training wheels first.

Caileigh never lets me do anything with her hair. I have tons of hair accessories and she prefers to wear her hair down. The other day she was going out with Grandma on a date and she let me do her hair like a dancer(her words). After we put it up, I then painted her nails and put some fancy smelling lotion on. She was quite excited and it gave me a look into the future raising two girls. Fun times are ahead! (stated both sarcastically and seriously)

The other day we went to the beach with Bupee. I'm thinking I should figure out how to photoshop Sean into some of the pictures. Well that or try and get back to the beach on a day off.

I've been fighting a flu bug all weekend so hopefully I am feeling better soon. It's too bad that life doesn't stop when you are sick. Actually, it's too bad that kids don't stop when you are sick!
your kids are so darn smart!