Waiting for fireworks on Canada Day. Caileigh made it until 10:30pm and then had a little nap until I woke her up for the fireworks.
Aiden and Graden fascinated by the fireworks. Aiden stayed up until after midnight with no nap!
From the time we arrived at the campsite this time, Aiden was talking incessantly about walking through the big water pipe. He didn't let up so finally Sean and I decided to allow him to try. Well, after this huge build up he decided that he was too scared and I ended up going through myself! Not as much fun as it looks I tell you. Aiden kept trying to come up with "great" ideas that would help him get through....."Perhaps I could tie a rope to two chairs and then float through the tunnel like a boat".............um, don't think so. Anyway, here are some pictures to go with the event.
Sho Sho and Grandma waiting for Aiden and I to emerge from the tunnel.
Mommy emerging and Aiden cheering me on!
Beach bums
Caileigh's friend Kara
"I just want to go to bed!!!!!"
Just hanging out.
Crashed with her girls.
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