Monday, July 6, 2009

First Food and First Cold

Mikayla has started on solids. The pictures shown are her first food, banana. This was the older two's first food as well. We have also tried peaches because I happened to have some in the fridge. I go shopping tomorrow (Customer Appreciation at Safeway for those interested) and will be picking up some squash, sweet potato etc. so I can start intoducing those. Yesterday I took the peach I had prepared and frozen and offered it to Mikayla in the Safe Feeder. She really liked this.

Mikayla never took a soother because when she was really young there was no need for one with her easy going personality. As she got older I tried but she never quite got the hang of it. I even admit I still try now and then as it would be handy on those nights she wants to nurse so much. There are two ways that Mikayla soothes herself. One is to suck on her hand or forearm.

Two, is to suck on her own gums and mouth. It is hard to see in the picture but she sucks in her mouth as though she is making the fish face. When this starts, I know that bedtime is close. The next step is quietly singing to herself and you know that she will be asleep very soon.

Tonight, Miky woke up completely stuffed up and is having trouble nursing or breathing. I can't seem to lie her flat. I hope that this doesn't mean tonight will be a super long one. Here's hoping............

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