Can you see the look of absolute contentment on his face?
Always a monkey. Aiden climbed into Mikayla's backpack and got stuck.
Aiden's space ship that Caileigh helped him paint outside yesterday. The kids spent hours creating, and then playing in this old moving box.
A boat. Aiden added a chair to his teeter-totter and added a bungy cord to strap himself on. He loves his contraptions.
Aiden spends hours building and creating with his mega blocks and lego. This is a mail truck. You can see the scrap paper inside and the scissors and pen to create the "mail".
Aiden is such a strong, powerful presence in my life that I don't often remember that he is out numbered and will one day be bombarded by skirts, dolls and many pink accesories. I hope that his strong love for all things "boy" continue for years to come.
I can totally picture Kai sitting in a pile of mud surrounded by dump trucks too...boys, gotta love 'em! Very creative with the mail truck.