Monday, February 3, 2014

I turned the calendar page on Saturday and announced to the kids that I couldn't believe it was March already.  Well, it turns out that it wasn't. 
 We also experienced some warmer, sunny days that had me believing spring was right around the corner.  Well, it turns out that it isn't.
-10 and colder(-30) these last few days.

I'm so thankful for such a fantastic group of friends that share the same goals, passions and desires for our families.  I love being able to get together with them weekly and see the kid's friendships grow while they experience together.  There are a variety of ages and stages and yet all the kids working together and learning from each other.  I love the refreshment of visiting with other moms.  It's a special time all around.




Show and Tell

{Bigs helping littles}

I found an "easy" ways to take the kids sledding.  I walk to the end of the road, and then start to run back along the decline.  Buddy runs out in front pulling me, and I pull the kids!  Their energy surpasses mine for this activity though.
Mikayla all ready for "running club", a game that Aiden invented.   Pretty funny to watch the kids slipping and sliding as they "train" for their running in knee high snow.  Love to see them finding creative ways to stay active.

 The three younger ones have been developing quite the friendship.  I love seeing them find common interests with each other.

{And older ones too!}

 This was a little distracting as I was trying to teach school this morning:)

A couple of funnies......

At dinner, I was trying to keep the boys entertained and so I started to ask the kids questions like, "If we lived on a frozen planet, how would we travel?"  I kept making up silly questions and Aiden turns to me and says, "Sooo, is this some sort of training exercise?"

Aiden asked me what "red eye" meant, as in the function on his camera.  I explained it to him and he left the room.  As he was leaving, I heard him call out, "No Caileigh, it isn't a military program".

1 comment:

  1. Now all you need is some lumber and some cubits and you could build an ark.....
