Sean and I were talking the other day about Alex and Jordan. We were both saying that we find it hard to describe the boys differences. There are so many things about Alex and Jordan that are indeed similar. They are the same age, so regardless of the fact that they are identical twins, there are bound to be similarities. The boys are also brothers and we have found many similarities between all our kids at the same ages. One boy is not cuter than the other, one is not smarter than the other, etc. They are both active, busy 21 month olds. Both Alex and Jordan love to run, climb and explore. They love playing outside, having baths and eating snacks. Each day they are mimicking more words and they are constantly doing things to make us all laugh.

When it comes to differences, there are some physical ones. Jordan is heavier and slightly taller than Alex. Jordan seems to have a stronger "strut" and Alex can run extremely fast. Jordan has a mark on his leg, and Alex has more far. There are some differences that change on a weekly basis. One week Alex is more clingy and the next week it is Jordan. Sometimes Jordan acts shy, and other times it is Alex. Recently Jordan went through a biting stage that seemed more predominant than Alex's behavior. Now it is Alex's hitting that has become the stronger force.
The other kids and people who spend time with us always seem to know who is who. There are differences that show in the boys behavior and interactions but they are subtle and hard to describe. I think I also try to stay away from making generalizations when they are changing so much. I don't want to label one "the shy one" etc. It can be said, however, that even those in our family sometimes have difficulties telling them apart by pictures.
It will be interesting to see how these similarities and differences change as the boys grow up. I imagine their own personal decisions will effect how similar and different they decide to present themselves. I have often thought about giving them different hair cuts when they are older, but so far, this opportunity arisen. Maybe when they finally grow some more hair!!
Similarities and differences aside, these are two of the most precious boys. We are thankful for them every day and it has been an amazing journey watching Alex and Jordan grow.
Happy 21 months Alex and Jordan!!
21, my goodness! Looking forward to seeing them (and all of you) very close to Birthday #2!
ReplyDeleteHappy 21 months boys! Seriously, 2 is coming toooo fast. I love how expressive they are wit even their little eyebrows. Like you can sorta tell what they are thinking.