Monday, January 16, 2012

Let's review:
3rd degree burn requiring ER visit and 2+months to heal. (still badly scarred)
split chin requiring ER visit and glue.
squished finger resulting in the loss of finger nail
sliced toe
uncountable goose eggs, bruises and scrapes

And now I can add:
Falling down the stairs
Sliced eyebrow

I guess Alex is determined to shed himself of his "identical" status.


  1. Oh Alex, you poor little guy - you are a trooper and I/we can vouch that despite all these mishaps, you are a delightful, happy, affectionate and very playful little guy - you seem to move on quickly. Hope you mend soon - we love you and send hugs!!

  2. oh, little boy! give your mama a break! But don't break any bones, please!!!
