January is rolling right along and we are finding our groove again. We only took a week off school over Christmas because I found the continuity kept everyone happier. I love saving our days/weeks off for Sean's holidays, or those times when a day off is like a beautifully wrapped gift that I get to receive. {Can you tell we've been busy writing similes and metaphors?}
When I get nostalgic, I like to read back through old blog posts and see what we were doing in past years. One thing that I am often surprised at, is the choice of activities I planned for Aiden and Caileigh. Despite that things are busy and our days so full, I don't want to forget to take the time to plan activities for Mikayla. She is always coloring, using playdough, doing puzzles or looking through books but I want to make sure that she gets those special planned activities. I have been able to find a slot of time after the boys are tucked in for nap, and before Mikayla's quiet time. This has been deemed, "Mikayla Special Time". The older two are welcomed to join us but the purpose is to allow Mikayla the opportunity to try her hand at messy, or more elaborate tasks. She LOVES this!

Aiden and Caileigh are doing well. We are into a routine of having them complete independent school work and piano practice in the mornings and then completing our more in depth subjects in the afternoons. It gives us a nice balance of work and play........ and play they do! This weeks choice of play has been re-enacting the Tin Tin adventures. Aiden proudly plays the role of Tin Tin and Caileigh is Snowy. I am never quite sure what exactly they've been up to but I do catch glimpses of them as they run past me shouting and cheering.
Aiden continues to adore Lego and builds new creations each day. Caileigh has started to join him and has created some fun models as well. While Aiden usually re-creates something we have read about, Caileigh's creations are houses where she can put the little lego men. Aiden is currently working on building the Titanic, after he poured through books of it from the library.
History is the kid's favorite subject and something they literally beg to do.
"Please, can we read History? Please?".......... How could I say no?
Alex and Jordan are busy and fun. They love to sit in the window seat and watch cars and people go by. Although they are busy and mischievous, they are finally at a stage where they have free reign of the house. They truck along trying to open drawers, settle in to play with cars for awhile, take a spin around the room, climb up the table, play with tupperware, open the freezer to break into ice cream etc.
From morning to nap.......go,go, go.
From nap until bed........go, go, go.
Giggles are a constant, as are the screams. Loud, piercing protesting screams or loud, shrieking, happy screams. They may have different meanings but they all sound the same to me. And I wonder why I get headaches?
I've been busy trying to find balance. Isn't this what we all strive for? The start of the new year has me thinking about my desires for the coming months.
I desire to grow closer to God.
I desire to be fully present and engaged with my family.
I desire to meet each family member's needs with love and grace.
I desire to slow down and live each day fully.
I desire to get strong through regular exercise.
I'm open to what this year brings, whatever challenges lay ahead........you may just need to remind me of this when they arise.
Oh I hear ya sister! balance....
ReplyDeleteso tricky to balance, but so important.
ReplyDeleteAsh, all I can say that am in total awe of you and Sean. SUCH amazing parents.
ReplyDeleteBalance. hmmmmmmmmmm. easy to say and very hard to achieve. rubber bands come to mind. Mommies and Daddies being stretched by demands both internally in the house and externally from the world. I think that you are right with the key being HIM.
Huge hugs to you all.
( like the art work )