Thursday, June 23, 2011

Canim Falls

I love how pictures only tell half the story. What you don't see are the millions of mosquitos attacking us with vengeance as we race through the trail with sweat dripping off our faces. You don't see the hour drive down a gravel road with bears, deers and logging trucks. You don't see our neatly packed picnic that gets forgotten and then hastily eaten in the car.
Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe we're only meant to see the beauty because truly that is what is most important. That is what I want to remember.


  1. You have summed up life in a nutshell.

    All of us walking around in our outer packages and in some cases trying to hide the real us.

    Just wanted to tell you that so far no mossies here. Or at least very few. But lotsa noseeums.

  2. Wow! so beautiful. I agree to focus on the good- the only way to be happy.

  3. that last picture looks like you're keeping your mouth shut so you don't eat a mosquito! But you look lovely, a necklace even!

  4. You are the best story teller Ash! Here's to adventures with kids!
