Thursday, April 7, 2011

When the boys were born, we were offered the support of an Infant Developmentalist because of the fact that twins are often delayed in certain areas. I accepted the offer and saw a developmentalist in Powell River a couple of times. She went through a developmental assessment with the boys and I found the whole process intriguing. Infant Development has always been an interest of mine and should I ever find myself going back to school, this is one area I have considered. We have also visited with a Developmentalist up here in 100 Mile. Both boys were having texture aversions to food around 7 months and she was able to offer some good suggestions. Also, although Alex and Jordan are extremely vocal, loud and squealy, they have not started to babble.......that is until Sunday night!! We were sitting at the dinner table when all of a sudden Alex starts to wiggle his tongue around. Then "Mama" comes out of his mouth! We all turned and started to squeal, which in turned scared him, although only for a moment. The rest of the meal he babbled away, "a da da, a ba ba". It was really exciting. Jordan hasn't started yet but he has been busy perfecting his pulling up and cruising skills. His favorite thing to do is pull up in front of the living room window and watch people walking by.

When the infant developmentalist was visiting here, I asked if there was a local twin group. I went to several meetings in Powell River and found it interesting. It was nice to have other people that you could ask questions/advice to. She told me that there was no such thing up here. Fast forward a week and she phones me back to tell me that she has arranged a meeting and would we be interested in going. Yesterday was the first official meeting and it was a lot of fun. There were 4 sets of twins present(including us) and several sets that weren't able to make it. There were 5 month fraternal boys, 5 month fraternal boy/girl and 2 1/2 fraternal boys. We were able to chat easily and share some of our best received advice, and some of our not good advice. We are planning to meet again in a few months. The older kids enjoyed singing songs, eating snack and playing with the toys/puzzles.

I had the boys weighed while we were at the clinic. Jordan was over 25 lbs (I think 25lbs 3 oz) and Alex was over 24 lbs (24 lbs 5 oz). What surprised me was looking back in Aiden's baby book, he was just over 23 pounds at 9 months. The other thing that surprised me is Mikayla weighs 27 lbs, now! Both boys measured 29 1/2 inches long.

We've been happy and healthy and keeping busy doing what we do. A lot of our snow has melted and the days have been warmer, although it has been snowing on and off the last few days. I would be lying if I said I was pleased about that. Isn't it supposed to be Spring? I suppose this is the spring of the Cariboo.
A long drawn out post, no pictures, I will sign off..........


  1. All the kids are so wonderful and the little boys are going to be big men (like daddy)- tee hee!

  2. kudos to you for inspiring the twin group! I bet Jordan will not be far behind in finding his words.

  3. Sure sounds like they are doing alright to me! :)

    I can't believe how big they are, Jeriah hasn't even hit 21 lbs yet and he will be 18 months soon. He is just a little peanut.
