Playtime is a loud, energetic time in our house! You both love to crawl around the living room stopping to examine the various toys lying around. You squeal, scream, and laugh as you crawl over one another. Yesterday Alex crawled over top of Jordan and Jordan began to slap his bottom over and over. You were both giggling uncontrollably.
Pulling yourself up on this particular toy is a favorite of both of yours. Jordan, you like to hit the music bottom over and over and bounce up and down as the music plays.
Alex you have made it your mission to escape from the confines of the living room. Every chance you get you are pushing aside the gate even if it is blocked by chairs! You love the freedom to explore new found areas of the house. You still prefer to move around commando style even though you can crawl!
Outside time is enjoyed by both of you. As we go for walks you both like to flap your hands and squeal as the stroller rolls along. If one of you is in the Ergo, you find it enjoyable to pull my hair so that I will turn around and then you offer me a big smile.
I have started to put you both in the bath together. You crawl around, explore the toys and splash repeatedly. The other night you both stayed in for nearly 45 mins. I had to refill the water because it kept getting cold.

Food is a very important part of your day. You both love to eat anything put in front of you and consistently eat three meals a day plus a few snacks now and then. You are starting to eat the same things we eat and some favorites are pancakes, squash, apples, cheese, avacado and chicken. There has not been a food that you won't eat.
You both have such big personalities. You are such happy boys and are rarely fussy. You are adaptable and have "go with the flow" attitudes. You smile easily and have deep, hearty giggles. I love hearing you laugh! Your brother and sisters adore you and spend most of their days fighting over who gets to play with you. They love helping out with "watching" you for me.
You love to see reflections in the mirror. The other night before bath you were both naked and sitting in front of the mirror. Jordan, you looked at your reflection and then looked at Alex's. You then turned your head to see Alex in person and repeated the sequence. It was as though you were processing the whole, "who am I, who is he?" idea. It was very interesting to watch.
Your sleep is off and on. Sometimes you sleep through, and other times you are up 3-4 times. Alex, you are up more often than Jordan. You both go to bed around 6:30-7 and start the day around 6/6:30. You nap twice a day around 9 and again around 1.
Diaper changes are not very much fun anymore. Not only is there one squirmy, wiggly, strong boy fighting to get away, but there is always another one crawling all over trying to interrupt my progress. Then, to top things off, I get to do the whole process again!!
Boys, you are very loved. Happy 9 months!
Happy 9 month Birthday Boys!! Great job Ashley - what a wonderful little story about these two busy, bubbly, babbling, bustling baby boys. They are so cute and growing so quickly. There are many good shots here.
ReplyDeleteHugs and kisses on your 9 mo BD
what a great post, I smiled the whole way through. Can't wait to see you all again. We're planning our holidays up that way, maybe even right around the boys' first birthday! Not that you have to have a big ol' party, just that we'll be there round about that time. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 9 mos- to Alex & Jordan- you handsome guys!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful baby boys and beautiful words to go along with them.
ReplyDeleteHappy 9 months! They are growing up so fast! They really look like you Ash, where Aiden looks more like Sean.
ReplyDeleteSo neat to see how playful they are :)