Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sickie Update

Last night was a long night. Aiden and Mikayla have continued to be sick today. Their fevers are over 103 and then once the Advil hits, it lowers and they seem better. Around the 6 hour mark, they start to become lethargic, extremely upset and the fever starts to spike again. Aiden complains of a sore throat and Mikayla keeps pointing in her mouth and saying that it hurts. We spent lot's of quiet time reading and watching more than our daily allotment of TV. Jello and popsicles have been a staple. Aiden and Caileigh are currently camped out in the living room. Caileigh feels quite disappointed that she can't have medicine so I did give her some extra Vitamin D. This seemed to satisfy her. I hope that the kids fall asleep soon and sleep well. Mikayla has already been up 1/2 dozen times needing comfort so let's hope that tonight is a better night than last night.