Sunday, October 10, 2010

The post in which I announce our upcoming move....

Short Version:

Sean completes management training.
Sean receives promotion as manager.
New job is located in 100 Mile House.
Sean starts in 2 weeks........

Long Version:

Thursday we received a call that Sean has been promoted to manager and will be starting in 2 weeks in 100 Mile House. This is the moment that Sean has been working towards for 12+ years. When I first met Sean 11 years ago, he made it clear that it was his goal to become a store manager by the age of 35. When I made a commitment to Sean, I was also committing to helping him reach this goal. We have supported him through countless work hours and 2 major moves. I am so proud of him to have met his goal! This is a big moment for our family.
While this big moment brings hard times of having to leave my home town, our family and our friends, I know that this will be an adventure as well. We are moving to a community that is known for outdoor winter activities, close friendships and beautiful, hot summers. There is history in this town that we can explore.
While we know that Sean will start work on the 22nd, we are unsure of when the kids and I will join him. Three years ago, when we were transfered from Prince Rupert to Powell River, Sean went ahead and I stayed behind with nearly two year old Aiden and 6 month old Caileigh. I lasted three weeks without him and then headed south for a visit. I never ended up leaving. We lived in 5 different homes that first year including a 6 week stay in a hotel. I cannot, and will not do this with 5 children. We will join Sean once he has been able to find us a new home. I will stay home and keep the kids in their "normal" routine. We will continue with our swim lessons, dance classes and other activities until we hear otherwise. We are blessed that movers will come and move our belongings for us and that with the "guaranteed home sale" program, we can be assured that our house will sell.
There are many unanswered questions but as time unfolds I am sure we will figure this whole thing out. I am excited/scared/hopeful and overwhelmed, but I know we will take this challenge and make the best out of it we can!!


  1. Congratulations Sean & Family- I guess this is time to focus on all the blessings. It will be a big change but you have my prayers that it will be wonderful! X0

  2. Congratulations!!! and oh my!!!!!
    I'll start praying you quickly find a house, make good friends and find quality help in 100 mile house!

  3. I can't tell you how excited I am for you! (With exception for the part about having to leave some very special people in Powell River and on the Island.) Praying the transition will be smooth and exciting as you embark on settling in to a new community.

  4. Wow, exciting changes! Congratulations to you all. I will be praying like the others for a easy and quick transition for you all!

  5. Wow, huge changes! I'm excited that we may have the chance to meet now as my dad has a house on Green Lake (just 20 minutes south of 100 mile house). Congratulations to Sean! As for waiting until there is a home, I can understand that, especially with 5 kids!!

  6. The selfish me says "Booooooooooo!!!!", sniff sniff. I loved being able to come visit every time I was home.

    The other side of me says "Way to go Sean and family!". You two have had a busy life and you have been a great support for each other working through babies and Sean's job commitments, you have worked hard for this and it all paid off! Best of luck in your move and new home in 100 mile house!

    Lots of love, Myr

    P.S. Please let me know if I can come help pack/look after babies/kiddies!
