Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy 20 months Mikayla

I hope that you start to feel better soon. In the last few days your personality has done a 180. You are struggling with the sniffles and teething (the eye teeth) and it has been pretty rough for you. You will not let mommy put you down and you insist on being carried in the Ergo all. day. long. When I am not holding you, you are crying, "lap" or "snuggle". You have not napped in 3 days and are taking 2 hours to go down at night. You are also awake several times a night. I pray that you are feeling better soon so we can see your cheerful, energetic, vibrant self again!!


  1. Oh, Mikerooni, I hope you feel better soon!!! You've been such a lovely, easygoing little girl and now it seems you're making up for a whole lot of lost time all in one go! Poor little monkey :o( And poor mommy too!!

  2. aw, poor girlie. praying for a quick recovery and your sleep doesn't take too much more of a loss!
