I've been asked, by many, if I am able to tell the boys apart. I would say that 95% of the time this is easy. I am with the boys all day and so I always know who I have dressed in which outfit or which baby I have left in the swing vs. the bed. When they are together, they have fairly distinctive characteristics. Alex is still a bit smaller and his coloring is still a little more pale. He has a slightly more oval shaped head and Jordan's head is more rounded. Alex also tends to use his eye brows to alter his expression, like the picture above.
With each of my children, they would have so many looks and expressions that the same child could look different from itself. This is the same with the boys. Sometimes they look identical (which makes sense) and other times they look quite different.
When we are out, people will often ask me who I am holding and I always have to look. I think it is because I don't always pay attention to who I have. A baby cries, I pick it up and I really doesn't process who it is. I am trying to pay more attention to this. There are many family members who can tell the babies apart from their cries and I can't always do this. I think again, because in so many ways, it does not matter who is crying. I need to help them regardless of who they are.
I almost always dress the boys differently. It takes planning to find two similar outfits that are clean and because they change outfits so many times in a day, they wouldn't be in the same outfit for long. I have heard of twin parents that enjoyed dressing their children the same so much that they would change both babies, if one spit up. I can't even imagine!! I do have fun dressing them the same and it is fun to see if people can tell them apart. Lately, to help people out, I have started to use their blankets as labels.
Both boys have been sleeping well. Between the two of them I am typically up around 4-6 times a night. Sometimes more, sometimes less. The positive thing is that they only wake up to eat and generally fall back to sleep quickly. When this doesn't occur, I usually take that child out to the living room where I can rock them in their car seat and I can snooze on the couch. There were a couple of weeks where the boys were fussy/crying from around 5 until 10pm. Sean and I would sit on the couch and pass the boys back and forth. I would nurse, he would rock and then we would trade. I think this may have been somewhat due to the heat because since the weather has cooled, they seem much more content and are usually down for the night around 9ish.
The boys sleep often during the day but if they are awake, I am usually holding them or they are in their bouncy seats. They are each on their own schedule and I just care for them as each needs. There is often one wide awake and the other fast asleep. I admit that they haven't had a lot of official tummy time because it is difficult to find a safe place for them to play. I plan to make a point of this though now that they enjoy their play mat. I should mention that they do get plenty of tummy time laying on our chests though. They nurse frequently during the day without much rhyme or reason to their routine.
In the last week the boys have had the sniffles so they have been getting plenty of time in the Ergo and have often been sleeping in the car seats. We almost always get out of the house each day. It can be physically exhausting dragging the stroller out and lifting car seats in and out of the van, but it is mentally refreshing to feel the freedom and change of scenery. Mikayla usually sits in the Ergo on my back as she has become a "bolter" and tries to run away at any chance she is given.
The boys are truly special. They are such a delight and joy and I still can't believe that they are here. Twins!! What a double delight!
two months already, good gracious. I can definitely see the differences, so now I will study your pictures to learn who is who. I really need to get these clothes to you! Anyone coming down this way soon? I'm happy to drive out to make a drop-off.