Today Sean took Aiden for his first fishing adventure. Aiden has been talking about going since last summer and so when Sean made the impromtu decision, Aiden was beside himself with excitement.
Here they are practicing their casting off the deck. He was a natural right from the start!
There was another man fishing from a paddle boat out in the lake and he had watched Aiden and Sean fishing for awhile without catching anything. When he got a fish on his line, he rowed into shore and handed the rod over to Aiden. He was then able to reel the line in all by himself and catch his first fish!! This happened a second time as well and Aiden was so excited to come home with his prize catch.
I sent the boys off with a container of ju-jubes thinking that if Aiden didn't catch anything then it would be a good distraction. Well apparently Aiden ate the whole container and informs me that they won't be taking candy next time as it made him a "little fidgety". I can only imagine!
did Aiden say he was fidgety or was that Sean's description?