I am so thankful to have reached this milestone. I am now free to deliver the babies in Powell River if I should go into labour before the 30th. This is a huge relief. I can't believe that these
little ones will be here in 2 short weeks. I have felt a tremendous peace this entire pregnancy but I can honestly say that as the time starts to quicken, my fears and worries have surfaced. How exactly am I going to do this??? I then remind myself that I will take things one day at a time and there will be challenging days and there will be wonderful days. I suppose it is pretty much like anything in life. You do what you have to do.
I feel very pregnant. I am starting to swell and retain fluid and I have that constant tired look no matter how much I sleep, although these days that isn't much. It isn't easy to find a comfortable position and my bladder needs release roughly 6 times a night. All in all though, I am doing great. At my last Dr.'s appointment my weight gain was about 56 pounds. I imagine I'm closer to 60 now. At 35 weeks my uterus was measuring 44 weeks.
Yesterday Auntie Misty and the kids made me a "36 week pancake breakfast." It was fun to celebrate the milestone. Bassinets, stroller and car seats are set up and ready to go. Clothes are washed and hanging. Diapers are bought and I think we're as ready as we're going to be.
The bigs and the littles.