Thursday, April 9, 2009

It was a whirlwind, wild, crazy time but we did it. My Mom and I took the kids to Vancouver. The kids were so excited to see their Gigi and Poppa and were full of eager anticipation. It was worth it to see Gigi and Poppa and their joy of being around the kids. It was equally amusing to see their eager waves as we drove away home 2 days later.
Can you believe this man is 93?? Enjoying ice cream on a surprisingly warm afternoon.

Gigi enjoying some cuddles with Mikayla.

Another highlight of our trip was getting to meet up with Rachel and her boys at the Zoo. I thought it went well considering we were walking around with 6 kids under 5.
Having a snack in the shade.

Caileigh and Marty

Aiden and Max

Mikayla and Jax....the meeting of the pink and blue.

Caileigh was infatuated with Marty and he obliged and held her hand.

On the final day, Gigi and Grandma hid some colourful eggs and the kids enjoyed running around the yard to find them.


  1. He he the zoo! The pic of Marty and Caileigh is very cute!

  2. I'm sooo glad we made it happen! Thanks for coming to see us ... and our animals. :)
