There were tree cutters working in our neighbourhood yesterday. We spent nearly 2 hours watching them chop down a HUGE tree. It must have been over 100 feet. After this excitement, Aiden had to come home and tie himself to the fence and proceed to chop it down. He would pass pieces to Caileigh and then she would stick them in the chipper (her stroller). Who thought such an activity could last all morning!
Mikaya loves her play mat. She loves to reach for the toys and try and chew on them.
Even tummy time is starting to become fun!!
Although I explained to Aiden that it is ok for Mikayla to roll over when she is on the ground (she hasn't officially yet) he was still quite concerned and felt the need to "fence" her in. Good thing he is looking out for her!
OH!!! That is too cute!!!! I love how he has sectioned off her "safe area" with pillows!