Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4 Months

14 pounds
25 1/2 inches

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Believe it or not, Aiden was a least before he cried and the face paint ran.

And yes, it seems our kids are being raised in a barn.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Sean!

The boys making dinner together.

Uncle Matt and Caileigh enjoying a book.

Burning off some energy. Caileigh has learned how to pedal the tricycle.

Boy Powered Machinery

Grandma and Mik

Bupster and Caileigh working on a puzzle.

Caileigh didn't want a picture taken so Bupee got clever and managed to catch her in the mirror behind. It was a neat effect.

Opening gifts

A mug the kids made for Sean.
The girls

New outfits from Nanee and Bupee.......thank you!!

For fun I tried Mik in the Jolly Jumper. I don't know who had more fun, Mikayla or the older two.

We hope that you had a wonderful day.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I think, my dear, that you might have a touch too much shaving cream.

There were tree cutters working in our neighbourhood yesterday. We spent nearly 2 hours watching them chop down a HUGE tree. It must have been over 100 feet. After this excitement, Aiden had to come home and tie himself to the fence and proceed to chop it down. He would pass pieces to Caileigh and then she would stick them in the chipper (her stroller). Who thought such an activity could last all morning!

Mikaya loves her play mat. She loves to reach for the toys and try and chew on them.

Even tummy time is starting to become fun!!

Although I explained to Aiden that it is ok for Mikayla to roll over when she is on the ground (she hasn't officially yet) he was still quite concerned and felt the need to "fence" her in. Good thing he is looking out for her!

Monday, April 20, 2009

I was on the phone this morning with my Mom when I heard Aiden say something inappropriate to Caileigh. I held the phone out to the side and said, "What you just said was not o.k. I won't let you speak like that to your sister. God says we need to be kind." Aiden gets a surprised look on his face, points at the phone and says, "Is that God?"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Special Time

Yesterday, I spent the day on the Island with Mikayla. We went to visit my dear friend who moved away earlier this year. It was great to visit with her girls (even though Lillia was so sick) and actually get a chance to talk. The older two spent the day with Sean and had loads of fun with him.

Mikayla was thrilled that they too have a swing in which she could happily nap.

The three girls.

Today we were able to enjoy some time outside. With the weather getting nicer it is so wonderful to be able to bank on getting out every afternoon. Even when it rains it isn't nearly so chilly.

I have started a new routine during the kids "quiet time". Aiden and Caileigh still spend an hour of time alone in their rooms to play, however I am now staggering this time so that while one child is upstairs, the other spends an hour with me for "special time". I am really enjoying this new arrangement. I am finding that it is so enjoyable to have a time during the day when it is only one child (and Mikayla) and be able to actually hear everything they have to say and feel like I have connected with them. Special time activities can be anything from reading, learning time, laundry or meal prep. Today Caileigh asked if we could bake. I enjoyed being able to give her a larger role in the preparation as we weren't having to share the task between two kids shouting, "What can I do?"

The kids are enjoying science experiments. Today we learned that baking soda and vinegar cause a reaction and we added various items to the concoction to watch them "dance". (experiments from Today's Parent magazine and Usborne's 100
Science Experiments)

Over the top? Bupee arrived with the kid's spring clothing line. Many thanks!!! We realize this outfit should be worn as individual pieces and not altogether as one outfit, however, Caileigh may object as she was feeling pretty happening. (price tags and all)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Matt!!

What does this have to do with Uncle Matt? Nothing, but it's cute and she was there.....
Somebody stop me, I am having way too much fun with comparisons........


Monday, April 13, 2009

15 weeks




and for old times sake.....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mikayla just loves it when Aiden and Caileigh make conversation with her!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It was a whirlwind, wild, crazy time but we did it. My Mom and I took the kids to Vancouver. The kids were so excited to see their Gigi and Poppa and were full of eager anticipation. It was worth it to see Gigi and Poppa and their joy of being around the kids. It was equally amusing to see their eager waves as we drove away home 2 days later.
Can you believe this man is 93?? Enjoying ice cream on a surprisingly warm afternoon.

Gigi enjoying some cuddles with Mikayla.

Another highlight of our trip was getting to meet up with Rachel and her boys at the Zoo. I thought it went well considering we were walking around with 6 kids under 5.
Having a snack in the shade.

Caileigh and Marty

Aiden and Max

Mikayla and Jax....the meeting of the pink and blue.

Caileigh was infatuated with Marty and he obliged and held her hand.

On the final day, Gigi and Grandma hid some colourful eggs and the kids enjoyed running around the yard to find them.