Sunday, December 11, 2016

Watson Academy

Schooling five has definitely proven to be a challenging job each day.  It is a heavy responsibility that can be tangibly felt.
I'm thankful for prayer and coffee:)
Aiden and Caileigh are continually becoming more independent which is wonderful.  They now complete their Spanish and Language Arts through an online class which I am really pleased about.  I especially love their LA class as their teacher is extremely encouraging yet also provides a challenging, varied course.  

Break Time:)

A friend joined us for school for a couple of weeks.

Fine Arts......learning crocheting from a friend.

Piano lesson assembly line

All five are taking piano lessons now and I love the sound of music constantly serenading me. (mostly!) It is definitely a commitment ensuring they all practice each day, but I can see so many benefits that come from learning an instrument.  
The kids each complete their individual lessons in math, LA, etc. but we have been coming together as a family this year to work on Science.  
The kids are all at such fantastic ages to enjoy hands on experiments.  
We've been working through various chemistry concepts over the past couple of months and it's been quite fascinating.

I found that when the kids were small, we rarely took time off from school.  Continuing the routine kept things running smoothly.  Now that our studies are becoming more rigorous.........I am so looking forward to Christmas break!!
Only one more week.........