Aiden is 10.
Double digits!
We tend to have parties with friends, every other year. This was an off year but we still had several families over the day before his birthday, for a fun afternoon including cupcakes. Amongst our friends there are four August birthdays so we celebrated them all together.

Aiden has been saving up money for the last several months to buy a new BMX bike. He has spent hours researching the best bike to buy and visiting different stores to compare bikes and prices. He knew he was going to be close after his birthday but wasn't sure if he would have enough. We decided that because he was close enough, we would buy the bike on his birthday and then the bike could be waiting for him in the garage until he earned off the rest of the money. Aiden was thrilled to discover that after opening all his birthday cards, he had enough money for his new bike!
The morning of Aiden's birthday, he went up to Williams Lake with Sean, on a father/son adventure. They purchased Aiden's new bike and helmet and went out for a birthday lunch. After lunch, they spent some time at the bike park trying out new moves.
(Earning money for watering gardens and feeding chickens)

(Counting his money on the drive to Williams Lake)
(When the waiter asked how the food was, Aiden replied, "life changing".
After the guys arrived home, we had a mexican feast for dinner and the Death Star cake for dessert.
(As my Dad says, "death by skittles")
(Aiden's new Slave 1 Lego set that he built in about 4 hours)
In the words of Aiden, "This was the awesomest day of my entire life!"
"Life changing" that!