Sean had a week off work. We had a fantastic time. Following our three night camping trip, we worked around the yard/house and tackled some jobs. Over the weekend we traveled down to Kamloops. In typical Watson fashion, it was a whirlwind of activity crammed into a short period of time. We arrived and went on a family bike ride, visited the water park, attended a free golf sample session, swam at the hotel, had dinner and then bed. The next morning we woke up early for another family bike ride, a visit to the bike park, a trip to the wildlife park (in 37 degree weather!), a water park visit and then home.
It was such a great family adventure.
(A family ride before heading to Kamloops)
A visit to the wildlife park and this is what they were most excited about!!
I'm amazed! Well done for getting all that activity and memories in such a short time frame!