Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Week in May

It was a busy week!  Along with our normal weekly activities we also had extra gym practices for the year end performance, a guest speaker at co-op, our final school report card visit and lot's of little fun activities in between.  I was very thankful to have Gramma here to help with shuttling kids to practices and to spend time with us.

{A few pictures at the valley after the parade}

We enjoyed a picnic and museum tour at the Heritage Site on Victoria Day.

We had an incredible guest speaker at our co-op.  She spoke for two hours educating the kids about worm composting and recycling and had them captivated the entire time.  She was fantastic!

The girls were so thrilled to perform at the year end gymnastics recital.  Mikayla's group performed with hoops and Caileigh's group with balls.  Both girls hope to participate again next year and I'm looking forward to the fact that they will be in the same class!

 I got these pictures texted to me from Aiden's lunch date with gramma. 

Gramma and I had an opportunity to take the boys out for a special date after my eye dr. appointment.  We enjoyed coffee and "kids coffee" at the boys request (hot chocolate) We also visited the marsh.

The kids are eager to attend golf camp again this year so Sean had them at the driving range practicing their skills.  We're hoping to do this regularly.  The boys even got an opportunity to try!

 "The girls" are doing great!  They have friendly personalities and come running to the fence every time we walk by.  I'm sure they're just looking for scraps but I like to think they just really like us.
For the last week we've been getting 4-5 eggs a day!

For the last week we've had a thunder shower every day.  I absolutely love storms.  This morning I snapped this picture while on my run and it was neat to see the layers of fog and cloud hovering over the lake.

The kids have completed all their requirements for the school year so we're starting on our summer school schedule tomorrow.  A little reading, writing, math and piano each day along with some fun family focused fun each day.  We'll be learning about the human body this summer and bugs for the little guys.
I'm looking forward to the relaxed schedule to complete some projects around the house and begin the huge task of preparing for next year.

Other than that, things are continuing on normally.

Well, as normal as usual.

{"Don't worry mamma, it's not permanent marker this time!"}

1 comment:

  1. your summer school schedule is more than I've been doing this whole year! Oy. Next year is gonna hit hard. I better up my game this summer to get us all more ready!
