Last week we embarked on a road trip. We visited Victoria for the first time in five years.
Early Monday morning we hit the road prepared for adventure although it was nausea and car sickness we received.
It was a beautiful day for travelling and we explored a new route going from Ashcroft to Merrit and then down to Hope on the Coquihalla. I really enjoyed the change from the Fraser Canyon.
We had a quick stop in Hope and then raced through to the ferry.
For growing up on the coast, I find it very strange that this was the first ferry ride that the three youngest remember. The last time we rode a ferry was when we moved up to 100 Mile when the boys were five months and Mikayla was under two.
It was a beautiful crossing.
We took the scenic route to Sean's parents house and drove past an old apartment that Sean and I lived in. It was great to see our old neighbourhood.
I was in awe of the spring scents and sights and was blown away with how homesick I realized I was. I miss the coast!
After arriving at Sean's parents the kids hopped on bikes and rode up and down the cul-de-sac.
Unfortunately, Alex and Caileigh crashed into each other on their bikes. Alex's finger was so badly torn open that we had to rush him to the emergency room. Three hours and over ten stitches later we returned back to Sean's parents. Alex was so brave!
I'm afraid the poor little guy is going to have quite a scarred finger but I'm just so thankful that things weren't worse.
(We've had to go to the doctor four other times because the wound keeps getting re-injured and re-opened but hopefully it will be fully healed soon!)
The next day we drove downtown to explore Beacon Hill Park and The Bug Zoo. On the way home we drove long Dallas Road and enjoyed the beautiful drive while sipping Starbucks.
In the afternoon the kids had so much fun playing down at Island View Beach. It was fun to watch them explore.
Such a Cariboo Kid! The cold sure doesn't bother him.
Wednesday, after a clinic check up for Alex's finger, we went out to Sidney to visit the Discovery Center. We spent the evening at Auntie Misty's house for dinner. It was wonderful to spend time all together and to walk down to the water and along the coastal trails.
Thursday morning Sean and I took the oldest three out for a hot chocolate and treat. Shortly after Sean, the boys and I made our way to the ferry and the oldest three began their adventure of staying in Victoria for an additional week!
Thursday night and Friday morning we visited Poppa and Gigi.
We then made the trek back home to start our week sans three children. (and sans vomiting thanks to Gravol!)
Part two coming.........
How did the kids feel about the "elevator" at the ocean discovery centre? Looking forward to hearing about the rest!