Saturday, August 30, 2014

Meet the newest member of our family, Fighter.  Caileigh and Aiden bought him with their own money and seem really excited about caring for him.  I should note we've only had him a few hours.  Hopefully their enthusiasm continues.

We finished up golf camp last week.  Initially, Caileigh was unsure if she wanted to sign up.  She told me that she didn't mind golf camp but she just wasn't sure if she liked golf!  At the end of the session she is now saying she thinks she would like to try it again next year.  Aiden enjoyed himself and would like to do it again.

I think they both like the prizes of pop that they could earn each week:)

We had a little "campout" this week.  A campfire in our yard, then sleeping in the motorhome.  It was our first time as a family of 7 sleeping all together.  The kids are hoping to do it again next week too.

Caileigh requested that we hike Begbie Summit again.  Such a pretty short walk.  I'd like to look for more trails that we can explore regularly.

Swim lessons were a huge success!  The summer lessons were led by a young 16 year old visiting from the coast.  He was extremely energetic and perfect for the boys!  Even more perfect was the fact that they were the only two in their class.  They gained a lot of confidence and have no fear in the water.
Mikayla went through a stage back in June where she was suddenly afraid to put her face in the water.  This led her to fail her swim class.  After a summer of frequently going to the river/lake, she gained a lot of confidence and can now swim independently and swim underwater!  Such a change!
While the younger three were in lessons, Aiden and Caileigh would swim on the other side of the pool.  The last day Sean and I went swimming with them.  Before he arrived, I was able to be in the pool with all 5 by myself!  Four years ago I never envisioned the day where I could swim with all the kids alone so it was exciting to reach that stage!

All 5 and the swim instructor.

I'm trying to find ways that Aiden can show more responsibility and learn some new skills.  I'm hoping Sean and I can come up with some areas that he can grow in.

His newest endeavour, mowing the lawn.  This is a big deal because this is my favourite job.  I don't even let Sean mow the lawn!!  I am, however, willing to sacrifice my lawn mowing joy to see my son learn responsibility:)

Coffee break while running errands.  Love hanging out with my sweeties.

1 comment:

  1. Marty got a new beta fish this summer. His first one suffered the consequences of a poorly chosen hiding spot and then was no more. The new one is named Fire Fin and looks a lot like yours!
