Thursday, July 31, 2014

Aiden's Birthday

The co-op group that we get together with every other week, has taken to throwing co-op birthdays.  It's amazing to see everyone come together to throw a party.  Today we celebrated the August birthdays which included Aiden, and two others.  We share in the food and goodie bag preparation and the kids have a blast playing together.  With 19 kids and counting, we're sure to have a party nearly every month!
The kids had VBS all morning followed by 5 hours of partying.  I think everyone will fall asleep quickly tonight!
I'm so very thankful for such a wonderful group of friends!! 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


The month of July has been flying past quickly.  Our days have been full of enjoying every moment of these summer days.  There has been plenty of time for water play, gardening, park plays, helping out friends, cleaning the church, library trips, quiet reading afternoons and more.   
Summer is my favourite time of the year.  
It love the long, hot days.  I love the sunshine and blue skies. 
Bupee Garling arrives today and the older three are busy with VBS all week.  We have a very excited nearly nine year old, as we start the countdown to his birthday.  Every day he tries to come up with creative ways to get us to celebrate his birthday early.  I'm thinking this could be a great lesson on patience and delayed gratification:)

(Learning how to french braid)

(Forest fire smoke effected us for a few days)