Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1

I've never been a huge April Fool's participant.  I remember trying to convince my Dad there was a spider near him every year.  We sometimes tried to convince our parents that it snowed during the night.  I would never tease anybody about that now that I live in the Cariboo as it does snow at night in April (and even sometimes May!)

This year, the kids have been talking about April Fool's Day for weeks!  I wasn't really sure what they were expecting but I kept catching them in private conversation making plans.  
I remember seeing an email going around about parents who set up their children's toy dinosaurs to get into mischief.  I decided to try something similar.
Here's what I set up last night......

I woke up at 3am to hear Aiden and Caileigh downstairs.  Turns out they were setting up a little scene of their own.  

This is supposed to be Sean and I watching TV.

They put a horse in the fridge drinking Sean's pop and dyed the milk!

I also found a rubber tarantula in my book basket.

The kids didn't stop there.  They started making phone calls early this morning!  They phoned my mom to try and trick her into believing it was already lunch.  Aiden phoned my Dad and said I was pregnant.  Aiden phoned Auntie Misty and told her we had won the lottery!
We received a text from my neighbour saying that her dog had puppies last night and Buddy was the father.  She even sent some cute photos along as "proof".
Finally, I announced that April Fool's Day would be ending at 8am as I was hoping to get our day going!
A fun filled morning:)


  1. so great! i cannot believe they got up at 3am! did they set up an alarm? I love that you caught them, did they know you saw them?

  2. I find it amazing that Aiden was able to wake "'sleep thru anything Caileigh". It shows me the level of excitement she had towards April Fools Day!!! Well done all of you!!!!
